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SmartJava week 1 Nov league card pool

Event Deck By

1 Card icon for Ardent Convert Ardent Convert x2 1 Card icon for Borderlands Lookout Borderlands Lookout x1 1 Card icon for Cult Aspirant Cult Aspirant x1 1 Card icon for Faceless One Faceless One x1 1 Card icon for Ghostform Ghostform x1 1 Card icon for Heavy Axe Heavy Axe x1 1 Card icon for Icy Gaze Icy Gaze x1 1 Card icon for Mettle Mettle x1 1 Card icon for Prancing Gryffyn Prancing Gryffyn x1 1 Card icon for Safe Return Safe Return x1 1 Card icon for Shiver Shiver x1 1 Card icon for Snowrager Snowrager x1 1 Card icon for Socrato, Furyheart Socrato, Furyheart x1 1 Card icon for Spire Spellsword Spire Spellsword x1 1 Card icon for Twilight Raptor Twilight Raptor x1 2 Card icon for Acclaimed Artisan Acclaimed Artisan x1 2 Card icon for Breath of Voprex Breath of Voprex x1 2 Card icon for Bring Down Bring Down x1 2 Card icon for Cull the Deck Cull the Deck x1 2 Card icon for Eloz's Elite Eloz's Elite x1 2 Card icon for Feln Stranger Feln Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Fervent Siphoner Fervent Siphoner x1 2 Card icon for Forgemark Scrivener Forgemark Scrivener x1 2 Card icon for Grodov Evangel Grodov Evangel x1 2 Card icon for Hotblood Barbarian Hotblood Barbarian x1 2 Card icon for Inspire Inspire x1 2 Card icon for Intrepid Longhorn Intrepid Longhorn x1 2 Card icon for Kairos' Choice Kairos' Choice x1 2 Card icon for Kodosh Evangel Kodosh Evangel x1 2 Card icon for Lethrai Target Caller Lethrai Target Caller x1 2 Card icon for Lightning Strike Lightning Strike x1 2 Card icon for Malaise Malaise x1 2 Card icon for Reconnaissance Reconnaissance x2 2 Card icon for Rujin's Choice Rujin's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Sandglass Parma Sandglass Parma x1 2 Card icon for Sauropod Wrangler Sauropod Wrangler x1 2 Card icon for Shavka Evangel Shavka Evangel x1 2 Card icon for Sodi's Choice Sodi's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Spiketail Qirin Spiketail Qirin x1 2 Card icon for Torrential Downpour Torrential Downpour x1 2 Card icon for Trailblaze Trailblaze x1 2 Card icon for Wizened Crone Wizened Crone x1 2 Card icon for Xultan Paladin Xultan Paladin x1 2 Card icon for Yeti Gryffyn Rider Yeti Gryffyn Rider x1 3 Card icon for Advance Scout Advance Scout x1 3 Card icon for Brightmace Paladin Brightmace Paladin x1 3 Card icon for Champion of Chaos Champion of Chaos x1 3 Card icon for Crafty Yeti Crafty Yeti x1 3 Card icon for Crowd Queller Crowd Queller x2 3 Card icon for Deft Strike Deft Strike x1 3 Card icon for Dragon Forge Dragon Forge x1 3 Card icon for Gravetender Gravetender x1 3 Card icon for Grit Grit x1 3 Card icon for Guard Dog Guard Dog x1 3 Card icon for Hexcaster Hexcaster x1 3 Card icon for Lethrai Darkstalker Lethrai Darkstalker x1 3 Card icon for Magebreaker Magebreaker x1 3 Card icon for Marionette Cross Marionette Cross x1 3 Card icon for Proselytize Proselytize x1 3 Card icon for Rainfall Accord Rainfall Accord x1 3 Card icon for Reinforced Baton Reinforced Baton x1 3 Card icon for Shadowlands Bonepicker Shadowlands Bonepicker x1 3 Card icon for Sparkbot Sparkbot x1 3 Card icon for Sunset Priest Sunset Priest x1 3 Card icon for Torture Torture x1 3 Card icon for Wretched Raven Wretched Raven x1 4 Card icon for Audacious Bandit Audacious Bandit x1 4 Card icon for Betray the Cause Betray the Cause x1 4 Card icon for Cheering Section Cheering Section x1 4 Card icon for Fearstoker Raven Fearstoker Raven x1 4 Card icon for Nesting Avisaur Nesting Avisaur x1 4 Card icon for Overheat Overheat x1 4 Card icon for Relentless Combatant Relentless Combatant x1 4 Card icon for Relentless Gorehorn Relentless Gorehorn x1 4 Card icon for Resolute Paladin Resolute Paladin x1 4 Card icon for Scavenging Spikeback Scavenging Spikeback x1 4 Card icon for Sheriff Marley Sheriff Marley x1 4 Card icon for Striped Araktodon Striped Araktodon x1 4 Card icon for Sword of Judgement Sword of Judgement x1 4 Card icon for Warhorn Warhorn x1 5 Card icon for Greenstretch Empath Greenstretch Empath x1 5 Card icon for Gun Down Gun Down x1 5 Card icon for Wurmic Chanter Wurmic Chanter x1 6 Card icon for Aerialist's Khopesh Aerialist's Khopesh x1 6 Card icon for Champion Grappler Champion Grappler x1 6 Card icon for Civic Peacekeeper Civic Peacekeeper x1 6 Card icon for Heirloom Blade Heirloom Blade x1 7 Card icon for Cabal Rogue Cabal Rogue x1 7 Card icon for Kodosh Sees All Kodosh Sees All x1 7 Card icon for Skyfire Hellkite Skyfire Hellkite x1 7 Card icon for Skyhorror Draconus Skyhorror Draconus x1 Card icon for Emblem of Kodosh Emblem of Kodosh x1 Card icon for Shugo Standard Shugo Standard x1


Cost Curve



Event Information

League - Chapter 36: The Time of Ancestors
November 1-30, 2019
The next sealed league


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2 1 3

Power Sources
1 1

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
64 24 7 1

Card Types
54 14 26 0 2


November 1, 2019


Eternal Version
The Flame of Xulta

BBCode For Comments

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