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1 Card icon for Blood Beetle Blood Beetle x1 1 Card icon for Bloodcall Invocation Bloodcall Invocation x1 1 Card icon for Crownwatch Squire Crownwatch Squire x1 1 Card icon for Dark Return Dark Return x1 1 Card icon for Excavation Assistant Excavation Assistant x1 1 Card icon for Fearless Nomad Fearless Nomad x1 1 Card icon for Gift of Battle Gift of Battle x1 1 Card icon for Grenamender Grenamender x1 1 Card icon for Harbinger's Bite Harbinger's Bite x1 1 Card icon for Hearty Stranger Hearty Stranger x1 1 Card icon for Horrifying Helm Horrifying Helm x2 1 Card icon for Humbug Humbug x1 1 Card icon for Ironfist Faithful Ironfist Faithful x1 1 Card icon for Jibbering Jackal Jibbering Jackal x1 1 Card icon for Levitate Levitate x1 1 Card icon for Lock Horns Lock Horns x2 1 Card icon for Rambot Rambot x2 1 Card icon for Ruin Ruin x1 1 Card icon for Safe Return Safe Return x1 1 Card icon for Sharpened Reflex Sharpened Reflex x1 1 Card icon for Sinister Opportunist Sinister Opportunist x1 1 Card icon for Spire Spellsword Spire Spellsword x2 1 Card icon for Staff of Speed Staff of Speed x1 1 Card icon for Swear Vengeance Swear Vengeance x1 1 Card icon for Talir's Intervention Talir's Intervention x1 1 Card icon for Temper Temper x1 1 Card icon for Time Flies Time Flies x1 1 Card icon for Xenan Lifespeaker Xenan Lifespeaker x1 2 Card icon for Abduct Abduct x1 2 Card icon for Afterimage Afterimage x2 2 Card icon for Argenport Soldier Argenport Soldier x1 2 Card icon for Argenport Stranger Argenport Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Back-Alley Delinquent Back-Alley Delinquent x1 2 Card icon for Barricade Barricade x1 2 Card icon for Borderlands Waykeeper Borderlands Waykeeper x1 2 Card icon for Cabal Slasher Cabal Slasher x1 2 Card icon for Changeestik Changeestik x1 2 Card icon for Crownwatch Longsword Crownwatch Longsword x1 2 Card icon for Dusk Raider Dusk Raider x1 2 Card icon for East-Wind Herald East-Wind Herald x1 2 Card icon for Encouragement Encouragement x1 2 Card icon for Entangling Vines Entangling Vines x1 2 Card icon for Gruanform Gruanform x2 2 Card icon for Herald's Song Herald's Song x1 2 Card icon for Hotblood Barbarian Hotblood Barbarian x2 2 Card icon for Iceberg Hailshrieker Iceberg Hailshrieker x1 2 Card icon for Nocturnal Creeper Nocturnal Creeper x1 2 Card icon for Oasis Seeker Oasis Seeker x1 2 Card icon for Oni Cavediver Oni Cavediver x1 2 Card icon for Portent Reader Portent Reader x1 2 Card icon for Praxis Stranger Praxis Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Rakano Outlaw Rakano Outlaw x2 2 Card icon for Rakano Stranger Rakano Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Recon Tower Recon Tower x1 2 Card icon for Ruination Sledge Ruination Sledge x1 2 Card icon for Sauropod Wrangler Sauropod Wrangler x1 2 Card icon for Talon of Nostrix Talon of Nostrix x1 2 Card icon for Tend the Flock Tend the Flock x1 2 Card icon for Territorial Elf Territorial Elf x1 2 Card icon for Trail Maker Trail Maker x1 2 Card icon for Trailblaze Trailblaze x1 2 Card icon for Unseal Unseal x1 2 Card icon for Winter's Grasp Winter's Grasp x1 2 Card icon for Workshop Tinker Workshop Tinker x1 2 Card icon for Yeti Snowslinger Yeti Snowslinger x1 3 Card icon for Amaran Camel Amaran Camel x1 3 Card icon for Banished Umbren Banished Umbren x1 3 Card icon for Baying Serasaur Baying Serasaur x1 3 Card icon for Clan Veteran Clan Veteran x1 3 Card icon for Cobalt Acolyte Cobalt Acolyte x1 3 Card icon for Deft Strike Deft Strike x1 3 Card icon for Duskcaller Duskcaller x1 3 Card icon for Guard Dog Guard Dog x1 3 Card icon for Hair-Trigger Pistol Hair-Trigger Pistol x1 3 Card icon for Icebow Icebow x1 3 Card icon for Ijin, Imperial Armorer Ijin, Imperial Armorer x1 3 Card icon for Inquisitor's Halberd Inquisitor's Halberd x1 3 Card icon for Journeyman Armorer Journeyman Armorer x1 3 Card icon for Kosul Battlemage Kosul Battlemage x1 3 Card icon for Lethrai Darkstalker Lethrai Darkstalker x1 3 Card icon for Lethrai Memory-Keeper Lethrai Memory-Keeper x1 3 Card icon for Manufacture Manufacture x1 3 Card icon for Oni Eulogist Oni Eulogist x1 3 Card icon for Refracted Sentinel Refracted Sentinel x1 3 Card icon for Reinforced Baton Reinforced Baton x1 3 Card icon for Scheme Scheme x1 3 Card icon for Signal Flag Signal Flag x1 3 Card icon for Sorrow's Shroud Sorrow's Shroud x1 3 Card icon for Sparkbot Sparkbot x1 3 Card icon for Spellshield Architect Spellshield Architect x1 3 Card icon for Spiteful Lumen Spiteful Lumen x1 3 Card icon for Tandem Watchwing Tandem Watchwing x1 3 Card icon for Tireless Stranger Tireless Stranger x1 3 Card icon for Treasury Guard Treasury Guard x1 3 Card icon for Trickster's Cloak Trickster's Cloak x1 3 Card icon for Unfinished Business Unfinished Business x2 3 Card icon for Warpainter Warpainter x1 3 Card icon for Warrant Officer Warrant Officer x1 3 Card icon for Wild Rider Wild Rider x1 3 Card icon for Won't Be Pretty Won't Be Pretty x1 4 Card icon for Audacious Bandit Audacious Bandit x1 4 Card icon for Back-Alley Bouncer Back-Alley Bouncer x1 4 Card icon for Bolster Bolster x1 4 Card icon for Burn Out Burn Out x1 4 Card icon for Clan Wallbreaker Clan Wallbreaker x2 4 Card icon for Final-Shot Rioter Final-Shot Rioter x1 4 Card icon for Gathering Lights Gathering Lights x1 4 Card icon for Graceful Calligrapher Graceful Calligrapher x1 4 Card icon for Holdup Holdup x1 4 Card icon for Ironclad Oath Ironclad Oath x1 4 Card icon for Library Phoenix Library Phoenix x1 4 Card icon for Mortar Mortar x1 4 Card icon for Primeval Plover Primeval Plover x1 4 Card icon for Rabblerouser Rabblerouser x1 4 Card icon for Renegade Valkyrie Renegade Valkyrie x1 4 Card icon for Scalechannel Sorcerer Scalechannel Sorcerer x2 4 Card icon for Scavenging Spikeback Scavenging Spikeback x1 4 Card icon for Soul Collector Soul Collector x1 4 Card icon for Valkyrie Bodyguard Valkyrie Bodyguard x1 4 Card icon for Welding Torch Welding Torch x1 4 Card icon for Wurmstone Wurmstone x1 4 Card icon for Xenan Fanatic Xenan Fanatic x1 4 Card icon for Yeti Troublemaker Yeti Troublemaker x1 5 Card icon for Amaran Archaeologist Amaran Archaeologist x1 5 Card icon for Crownwatch Recruiter Crownwatch Recruiter x1 5 Card icon for Grimy Alp-luachra Grimy Alp-luachra x1 5 Card icon for Inner Fire Inner Fire x1 5 Card icon for Pensive Lumen Pensive Lumen x2 5 Card icon for Sack the City Sack the City x1 5 Card icon for Stonepowder Heretic Stonepowder Heretic x1 5 Card icon for Triggerman Triggerman x1 5 Card icon for Umbren Coaxer Umbren Coaxer x1 5 Card icon for Valkyrie Denouncer Valkyrie Denouncer x1 5 Card icon for Waystone Infuser Waystone Infuser x1 6 Card icon for Aerialist's Khopesh Aerialist's Khopesh x1 6 Card icon for Boltcrafter Shaman Boltcrafter Shaman x1 6 Card icon for Cirso's Meddling Cirso's Meddling x1 6 Card icon for Cut Ties Cut Ties x2 6 Card icon for Direwood Rampager Direwood Rampager x1 6 Card icon for Hellfire Rifle Hellfire Rifle x1 6 Card icon for Highwind Glider Highwind Glider x1 6 Card icon for Horsesnatcher Bat Horsesnatcher Bat x1 6 Card icon for Oni Gunwright Oni Gunwright x1 6 Card icon for Shamanic Blast Shamanic Blast x1 6 Card icon for Slope Sergeant Slope Sergeant x1 6 Card icon for Timeworn Sentinel Timeworn Sentinel x1 6 Card icon for Tower Shield Tower Shield x1 6 Card icon for Towering Stranger Towering Stranger x1 7 Card icon for Dormant Sentinel Dormant Sentinel x1 7 Card icon for Mistveil Drake Mistveil Drake x1 7 Card icon for Sandglass Sentinel Sandglass Sentinel x1 Card icon for Amber Monument Amber Monument x1 Card icon for Amethyst Monument Amethyst Monument x1 Card icon for Hooru Banner Hooru Banner x1 Card icon for Temple Standard Temple Standard x1


Cost Curve




oh no i forgot to build a deck this month

Event Information

League - Chapter 20: Spoils of War
July 2-31, 2018
Argenport has fallen to the invading Clans…now what comes next?


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2 2 2

Power Sources
2 1 1 1 1

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
112 42 11 3

Card Types
100 21 43 0 4


July 27, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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