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Obelisk Raiders

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




The deck was inspired by the change to Reliquary Rider. Permafrost, Levitate, Accelerated Evolution, Praxis Displacer all help the Raider get through. The deck is only lightly splashing Primal so we can play Sand Warrior, because what's the best way to make sure a 3 drop sticks? - playing 2 of them in 1 turn. You also often play Sand Warrior on turn 2 thanks to Trail Maker. Then we just fill in the rest of cheap units that replace themselves or ramp and slam Xenan Obelisk for the win. We also have some copies of Scouting Party to win the late game.
I don't play crests to minimize the ammount of depleted power as the deck is fairly reliant on curving out but it's possible that some number of them could replace Monuments and maybe 1 or 2 seat. I didn't really have any problems with influence so I like to keep it simple for now.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 1

Power Sources
22 11 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
20 27 19

Card Types
33 8 9 0 25


March 1, 2018


Eternal Version
Draft Changes

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Luchito Eternal Version: 1.28.7
needs tons of refinement.. you have nothing worthwhile at higher cost other than scouting party. You have lifegain and cheap units which kinda goes against the ideaof having nothing that wins you the game on later turns. Party is fine, but i see ramp that leads nowhere significant. Cirso might solve some problems that permafrost cant solve. Forigfy also. You have the lifegain and the drawing power, make them lead to something powerful other than party+obelisk.

My 2 cents. Took the time to write this cause i like your idea.