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feeling dirty? disgust yourself with this deck... FELN CONTROL

Gauntlet Deck By


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but there is a downside -- it's somewhat slow.
however, it's VERY fun! there's rarely a moment where you don't feel completely in control.
our top end units (Direwood Pack and Champion of Cunning) are not only super hard to kill due to aegis but they also scale incredibly hard, making games end very quickly when reaching turns 6+.
and the newly released Tenacious Heron is absolutely bonkers. it's a 4 strength aegis flyer that never stops weakening/killing enemy units... it's wildly powerful.
Iadria, Twisted Brewer is the all-star. the AI have absolutely no idea how to deal with this card and will 2 or 3 for 1 themselves constantly with double or triple blocks. however, the AI do recognize she's a huge threat (despite seemingly not to understand how her effect works) and will often remove/silence her immediately.
Haven Augur is our newest arrival from one of the weekly chapters; she's really, REALLY good... her static ability is very strong, giving our entire deck the anti-aegis Ice Bolt ability. however, being a 1/1 makes her susceptible to removal initially but after 2 or 3 spells she grows out of most removal range and often scales harder than Direwood Pack. some noteworthy cards for her are Icy Scrying as it provides 2 spells in 1 card and Feln Cylix which creates a treasure trove so even our power can buff her!

the deck also rarely suffers from power issues due to the plunder of Exploit, the cheap draw spells, and the inscribing Direwood Packs.

now, one of the keys to making the deck run smoothly is reaching a critical mass of damage dealing spells to capitalize on our unsung hero -- Grenahen. a 1/3 life steal for 2 is an amazing body that slows down early game aggro and survives our lightning storms while we stall to the late game. on top of which she provides amazing card advantage -- she can hit over 1/3rd of our deck ranging from units and hard removal to draw spells and board wipes. granny gives us access to literally any type of card we need; she's the backbone of the deck.

this deck is also quite modular. any card that has the word "kill" or "draw" on it can be replaced with anything else that has those words on it. there are lots of other options that won't drastically affect the deck's performance. however, i do recommend keeping as many damage dealing spells in the deck as possible.

At Any Cost -- the only legendary card in the deck and is absolutely not required. can be replaced with other removal like Desecrate, Dangerous Gambit, Stormblast, Backlash, Display of Survival, Hailstorm, Cover From the Storm, etc.
other viable draw spells -- Wisdom of the Elders, Trailblaze, Strategize, Read the Stars, or Forbidden Research

market talk:
Thicket Trap -- good anti aggro card that also weakens weapon/equipment decks
Heavy Hail -- emergency boardwipe
Mirror Image -- extremely powerful with our scaling cards and is almost always my go-to pick
Prodigious Sorcery -- super fun card that helps close out games. double damage At Any Cost or Furious Accusation can nuke our opponent
Omniscience -- the single most powerful card in eternal, i can't overhype it enough. absolutely insane card that WILL get nerfed so use it while you can


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 4

Power Sources
22 23 20

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
5 26 33 13 3

Card Types
24 2 29 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Stormbreak [Set1107]
Valley Beyond [Set1125]
Enter the Arcanum [Set1135]
Separate Ways [Set1155]


October 28, 2024

February 9, 2024


Eternal Version
Separate Ways

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) October 28, 2024



CakeMashers Eternal Version: 24.06.19
Very good!
Shoogoo Eternal Version: 24.01.31
Cool deck! I cannot build Ice Scrying for some reason... How do you get that card?
jellydoor Edited Eternal Version: 24.01.31
thank you!
icy scrying is part of the community bundle, it's 25k gold in the bundles section of the store.
AreMae Eternal Version: 24.01.31
I really like this deck, it's solid and fun. i just cut stealth strike (because of powerbase) and added x2 in cold blood.
Thanks for sharing
jellydoor Edited Eternal Version: 24.01.31
are you playing the updated list with 4x Iadria, Twisted Brewer in the mainboard? i think it's much better.
and i assume by "because of powerbase" you mean you don't have all the of dual powers like cylix and crest? instead you can play Mark of the Den, Feln Banner, or add 2x more painting/tome. Or just run a few Shadow Symbol (i had these in originally but cut them because i pretty much always had 6S by the time i was playing stealth strike). also, stealth strike is basically a Deathstrike that has revenge AND can be picked up with grenahen; it's super solid. BUT it's not entirely necessary so it's a fair cut. might i recommend Desecrate as an alternative to cold blood? it's cheaper, fast, and deals damage to you so grenahen will be able to grab it. just a thought...
thanks for playing the deck!
AreMae Eternal Version: 24.01.31
Yes, I do. I have four in main and it's pretty good. I have all powers in all factions, i meant it does not get deadly at right time (when i need it) also couldn't use it's revenge (i mean i could win match earlier) desecrate? to be honest i forgot that card. ill give it a try. I changed Harbinger as well. i did cut x3 of it and added x3 Midnight gale. I think deck is more aggressive now and it's really useful against aggro decks
jellydoor Edited Eternal Version: 24.01.31
interesting choices! iadria makes harbinger quite good and since this is a control deck i prefer the bigger late game bombs. i actually had midnight gale in the original build but ended up cutting him for more control cards. it's strange because gale's stats on paper are AMAZING -- 4/4 flyer for 3 that gains life steal is VERY GOOD, but somehow he felt weak and slow... he kinda just always underperformed for me (on top of the fact that between grenahen, lightning storm, hailstorm, and obstructive flicker i haven't really had issues with aggro decks).
AreMae Eternal Version: 24.01.31
Lol i really like your deck's titles
jellydoor Eternal Version: 24.01.31
ay thanks, i'm just a silly guy