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Awaken, My Masters!

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I was unbelievably excited for Sentinels, okay?

Having already played this deck enough to do some incredible moves that I thought would be complete and total pipe dreams, I'm absolutely ecstatic over how fun this deck can be to pilot, just by way of being a completely endless supply of titanic units. I'm completely confident this deck will have an unrealistically huge allergy to Harsh Rule, which I haven't encountered today presumably because everyone wants to actually have fun for once, but until people decide to start stinking up the meta with that again this is going to be my favorite thing in the world.

Exactly two Mysterium Orb is important because you want to see this card, but it is sadly redundant in multiples without any cards that combo with relics. That said, the second one draws you a card with Novaquake Titan, and is effectively a Torch with Great-Kiln Titan. And at the end of the day, if your explorers aren't exploding, it's more ramp, and Praxis has discovered what to do with its ramp. It's also what takes Monolith Guardian from being 'really really good' into 'completely and totally asanine', because 7/7 Overwhelm Endurance for 4 is not something that should ever be okay.

Trail Maker is low-key one of the strongest cards I've gotten to play with in this set, if I can be honest. It's effectively Power Stone's extremely important role-- ramp on 2, play one of your huge 4-drops-- that gives up being a relic and thus being ping-able to get you an influence, and this is a rather influence hungry deck-- FFFTTTT. Importantly, if it isn't self-evident, the influence sticks around if he himself dies, so him being removed and your plan being shoved off a turn isn't the end of the world.

Gear Master is a card I saw a lot of people severely underestimating during the event, and I understand why. It's a 4 drop when you're already playing Sandstorm Titan and it doesn't immediately impact the board and it's extremely removable and blah blah blah, I know. Yes, I'm still running 2 of her. Because warping in Heart of the Vault for what is effectively '6/6 deal 2 damage draw 3 cards give a unit +1/+1' is absolutely completely and totally insane, and shenanigans aside the deck is in need of something to let you reload. She does that well, and even if she doesn't get to, she ate removal that would've been flung into your Titans. 'They gotta run out eventually' becomes your catch phrase if you run this deck.

Waker of Ancients is probably less good than it is fun. That said, SST, Crimson Firemaw, Monolith Guardian once you have a relic, Emerging Colossus, Great-Kiln Titan these are all cards that are devastatingly powerful to see come in without costing you card advantage. I have yet to get the absolute dream play of warping in Novaquake Titan, but the idea that it can happen is what makes me refuse to budge Waker's spot in this deck.

Let nobody say in my home that Great-Kiln Titan isn't one of the best cards for Sentinels. It's immediate and free card advantage guaranteed unless you're a fool who messes up play order and gives your opponent the chance to Annihilate him mid-combat or something, it's bonus reach in a deck that stopped having room for any when he pulls a relic, if he's allowed to live for even one extra turn you've probably already won, it's insane. Even if he pulls power off the top, that means he's a Waystone Infuser that's been benching half the titans in this deck judging by that stat-line, and where I come from we respect Waystone Infuser.

Heart of the Vault currently only a two-of because I only have 2, that said it feels weirdly right because anything to take down this frankly nonsensical curve.
Emerging Colossus currently hasn't quite proven himself? 9 is an awkward spot in this deck because if you make it there he probably can't punch as freely as you'd like. That said, he might dredge you up a literally free Heart of the Vault, so this and the last part are probably related.
Novaquake Titan is somehow not a weird bricky meme. When this guy comes down, he takes the whole house with him. Guardian, SST and Heart all bond for him to come down reasonably 'early' considering all your ramp, at which point boy if you haven't won the game I want to know what deck your opponent has.

Open to comments, criticism and suggestions! I really want to see my giant idiot robot sons be as powerful as they can get.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 4

Power Sources
16 17 8 3

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Deck Rarities
15 18 12 13

Card Types
26 6 11 0 32

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


December 19, 2017


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

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chaostehjace Eternal Version: 1.27
I started with this list, and didn't win any games. Mana flood is a huge problem, no way to card draw. I made these changes for testing
-3 Seek Power
-4 Trail Maker
-2 Groundbreaker
-4 Xenan Initiation
-4 Common Cause

+4 Amaran Shoveler
+2 Waker of Ancients
+1 Gear Master
+2 Reliquary Raider
+2 Worldbearer Behemoth
+4 Crest of Impulse
And it has been working so far. I don't think you need Seek Power in a two colored deck anymore, since there is no shuffle effect, you will still top deck lands all day. Add that Crest of Impulse. So good.
Chesspieceface Eternal Version: 1.27
Could you please update this list to you current version?
SunRid3r Eternal Version: 1.27
This deck is fun but it has a real problem: card draw. Sometimes you either stuck on power with more expensive units in your hand or run out of cards to play and get mana flooded. I think this deck really needs cards like Temple Scribe, Friendly Wisp or cards with Scout like Crest of Impusle, Cryptic Etchings. I would get rid of Gear Master because it's really weak to a lot of removals and doesn't survive enough to give you value.
Kiri Eternal Version: 1.27
Crests are basically an auto-include with the sole problem having 'I made this deck like 40 minutes after the set dropped and ran out of dust after all the Great Kilns'. You're absolutely right that they're basically the most sensible 4-of.
Temple Scribe and Friendly Wisp I'm not as fond of specifically here because they gunk up what you want to do on turn 2, that being Trail Maker or Power Stone (or Sauropod Wrangler if that's your style I suppose). More recent edits of this deck I've made have been running 2-4 Family Charter, since hitting 6 is never really an issue with all this ramp, and the initial scout can be done turn 1 instead of 2.
Also on the topic of draw, my latest incarnation of this deck is way harder on sentinels and features Amaran Shoveler, who absolutely does wonders just... getting you to the cards that win you the game, once you actively are thinking 'I need to topdeck not-power'. I should probably get around to writing something up for that version, it's gone through a lot of shit.
BadBug Eternal Version: 1.27
Thanks for sharing !
I don't get it, some people say this deck is crashing the ladder and some advise not to use it there.
Can someone write his opinion on it ?
TheDarkTower Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
Thanks for making this cool deck! It is the first deck I am trying to brew/use with the Dusk Road. I like your list but I've been having significant problems with it always involving the early game.

While the end game is ridiculous it takes too long to get there versus aggro decks and has no interaction to do anything beforeyou get there. Playing a 2/2 gearmaster at turn 4 is going to get steamrolled by any aggro or midrange deck that has already developed their board. Plus by the time i have amassed the mana you best believe they have plenty of removal ready at hand. Trail master is great for ramp but it doesn't do anything other than being a 2/1 weenie to either stand there or chump block and lose your mana. The main games i've been able to win is when the other opponent is slow as well or i'm lucky enough to get a turn 2 power stone into a turn 3 monolitih guardian which is very tough to beat and gives plenty of time to play stronger titans after.

I think potentially putting in some Purifys*may be helpful but i think units with some effects may also be necessary. Not quite sure but i feel something is missing or I'm just not going for the right opening hands.

Lemme know your account name/number so i can add you if you want to talk about it in game.
Comment Deleted
Kiri Eternal Version: 1.27
Thanks for all the input-- it's genuinely really appreciated. I've made several changes to this list since I posted it, enough that I'm not terribly into the idea of editing this page as it has been because there's more than just a handful of changes. Off the top of my head, the Firemaws, the Wakers, the Gear Masters, the Groundbreakers and the Colossus all got cut for the sake of cards like Amaran Shoveler (top-deck improving), Family Charter (early relic, getting to 6 and drawing is surprisingly relevant) and Scourstone Sentinel (anything to rush out my favorite supernova son), on top of me having finally gotten my full playsets of SST and Heart, to come together in the shape of a more Sentinel-cheat-y core. I can't really say for sure of much of that was for the better quite yet (mostly because I'm secretly not very good at this game), but it's something I'm working on. It still wins 'enough to make me happy', so that much is satisfying at least.

My actual in-game info is Kirik+9469 if you're still interested. I'd be totally down to have someone actually double-checking my work, since there's doubtlessly things I'm not considering at this point.
Aeryn Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
Fun when it works (except not really because they usually just concede), but that's rare. With either aggro or harsh rule being a cornerstone of nearly every deck, and a decent chance of losing before you start due to bad draws, I wouldn't bother trying to use this on the ladder.
ArcyTheArcanine Eternal Version: 1.27
My first deck I actually played was Praxis Control, so when the new set came out and I saw this deck I gave it a try thinking "I'm probably just going to regret crafting all this stuff", buuut.. I ended up enjoying it so much, I LOVE this deck. <3 Thank you so much for creating it.
Baamz Eternal Version: 1.27
This deck is a ton of fun! I made a few changes that I think make it work better:
-3 seek power, -2 Wakers, -2 xenan initiations, -2 Groundbreakers, -1 emerging colossus

+3 Amber Acolytes, +2 Diogo's (my favorite), +1 monolith titan, +1 SST, +2 Heart of the Value. I'm also trying Worldbearer Behemoth but if I could get a 3rd Great-Kiln I would swap that in in a heartbeat.

I also swapped 4 time sigils for the new +2 health alternative
TheDarkTower Eternal Version: 1.27
Thanks for the tip! I'm definitely going to try the amber acolytes.
Crosby4HyG Eternal Version: 1.27
I've been struggling a bit using this deck on ladder, as so many people on ladder run Rakano/Skycraig and the sentinels just don't have a chance to get ramped in time. As mentioned in the description this deck does have a terrible allergy to Harsh Rule, which I've experienced more than I'd like.

That being said I've also had a great time using the deck, and I did have the incredible pleasure of warping in the Nova against an absolutely insane board. The satisfaction of watching my opponent auto-concede cannot be put into words. Thanks for the great deck.

TheDarkTower Eternal Version: 1.27
Same here man, I've been getting dusted by basically most rakano skycraig aggro decks. Not enough interaction early on to get through to your ramp. Sometimes just as i was stabilizing the board they finally draw that last torch to get the last 3 damage in.

This deck is extremely fun, it's not where it needs to be to actually compete in ladder but there still remains a lot of brewing to do still. I'm thinking some type of purities or adding early game explorers.
JyronStone Eternal Version: 1.27
I had to make an account just to upvote for the description alone. Gold.

I made a Sentinel deck of my own just the other day and I'm in love; slamming down hideously large stats on a constant basis is addictive. I don't own any cards heavier than HotV yet (i actually crafted my first two copies of it just to "justify" making the deck at all), but Scourstone Sentinel has been a fun substitute.
Kiri Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
Thanks so much for the kind words! Yeah, far and away the reason I love this deck is that it's comprised almost entirely of backbreakers. Who needs removal when every card you play demands more respect than theirs?

Scourstone Sentinel is a card I've been toying with a lot in various builds of this deck. I think Sentinel Bond has started to pick up, I've noticed, because there's... yeah there's shenanigans to be done. Turn 2 Power Stone, into turn 3 Monolith Guardian, into turn 4 Scourstone Sentinel, now you have something with 9 attack and overwhelm to beat with on turn 4 and in 3 turns you can drop the Novaquake. This also leaves you with 2 power free for Xenan Initiation even. It's wild and I love it.
JyronStone Eternal Version: 1.27
I've been wanting to try a more Bond-minded build at some point since Ancient Defenses enables that so well (along with being a rude pull for Kiln Titan, just crafted one of him and oh my god I need more). Also a Warp-minded build with Waker and Workshop Forge since pulling backbreakers out of thin air is extremely rude. And an Overwhelm-minded build with Shepherd's Horn to make your own face as beefy as your minions because why the hell not.

Sentinels are a pure archetype, they meme so well. Bless these bigbois.
Edwarg Eternal Version: 1.27
I've been working on something similar. Glad to see we had similar numbers in mind for most of the sentinels. I had Groundbreaker in my initial pile of cards, but it was cut for the first draft. I've always wanted to find a reason to play that card, however. Also, I love your writing! I enjoyed reading your description more than anything.
Kiri Eternal Version: 1.27
Yeah, forget 'what if SST was stronger', forget 'I want more reason to play Heart of the Vault', Groundbreaker is legitimately the reason I got excited for Sentinel tribal. In the adjustments I've made since posting this, I've wound up cutting him too which makes me sad, but I'm convinced there's a version of this theme in which he belongs. More fire-heavy and aggro-based, so his double damage matters and he can be played reliably. He's just so powerful when he hits the field, I want to justify that triple-fire so bad.
I appreciate the compliment by the way! I like hearing that typing all that out wasn't a waste, heh.
JTJag Eternal Version: 1.27
Have you considered running Family Charter, maybe over Gear Master? It's another relic, it scouts for 1, and if you have a permanent relic up you can pop it for card draw.
Kiri Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
It crossed my mind, but I feel like it would be even more messy for the game plan than Gear Master. Maybe it's dumb luck but I've wound up with a relic on board often enough with this deck that I feel like more is unnecessary. Keeping the topdecks in the mid-late game high quality is also pretty important, I like keeping the focus on 'every card I draw is a back-breaker; do you have Harsh Rule yet'. That said, I'll consider it! It is draw, after all. And I was mistakenly thinking that card cost 2 to play.
neodrake Eternal Version: 1.27
i've tried it already. despite being a fun deck it is a very, very inconsistent deck.
maybe with some adjustments it wil go better.
Kiri Eternal Version: 1.27
Yeah, I'm under no delusions that this is going to be a perfect finished product already. This was just the absolute kneejerk-reaction-to-set-3 I had regarding Sentinels, and I wound up having an extremely good streak with it, so I figured sharing before I made any revisions that might make it worse or less fun would be a good idea. If you have any consistency-bumping ideas, feel free to let me know, I'm willing to experiment.
ArconteSoze Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
Nice deck, but you can should try use more Great Kiln. I agree with Aniretalek, tks for your comments about deck.

Sorry for bad English, blaem google translate!
aniretalek Eternal Version: 1.27
I really love it when people do all of us the courtesy of writing a small description of the deck! Having said that, the deck looks fun! Will try it ASAP!