Taken from another list (https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/Im3aY_Kj_m8/manabarbs-mono-blue-aggro-expedition-12-master-rank-2) on here but some changes:
Learned Imitator - A fifth Uleo from market. Very key to winning and shutting down aggressive decks or mid range decks and chump blocking with wolves while you breeze to your opponents lethal with fliers.
Helio, the Skywinder - Basically what makes this deck OP. I won 17/20 matches and mostly thanks to her.
Wasteland Broker - In the market. The idea is to pull her out and triplicate
Rain of Frogs in slower matchups. Then speed draw them using
Helio, the Skywinder. 3x
Rain of Frogs helps against a slower deck where simply drawing isn't good enough to win.