The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Bam is great, the synergy with wump, especially when you power him out with Pioneer gives the deck staying power.
Shifting him happens infrequently; primarily I will use it on the play against Diogo combo or against players I know only have a market hailstorm. Almost never shift him on the draw.
Chunk chunk was good in the skycrag aggro decks with the berserk 2 drop, haven’t played him in this. Ship me a list that uses him and I’ll test it!
Thanks for the response! I’ll give this a shot. The list I’ve been playing is pretty similar. +1 Permafrost +1 Ice Bolt +4 Chunk Chunk +4 Crunch -4 Mischief Yeti -3 Bam -2 Yeti Spy -1 Fearless Yeti. Mirror Image over Melt Down in the market because I haven’t seen many attachments I care about and I wanted some action, but there still probably something better than both.
I’ve actually been thinking about a no-Merchant version, I wonder how that would go. Also, your version has 6 more one drops than mine, and I’ll bet that helps.
Do it. Even after I took a break for a year and came back to all new and crazy stuff I was able to hit Masters first time ever trying this month/season and 75% or more of my wins were from Yeti Aggro. Slightly different list.
Flameblast only outperforms obliterate when dealing with 4 toughness creatures in this deck, given we have 12 snowballs, 4 torch, and 5 virtual torrential downpour for smaller critters. The small upside there isn’t worth the inconsistency of playing a 3F cost spell in a deck that’s splashing F.
definitely throw inspired prank in the market it's been pretty good
Thanks for reply anyway
Also, did you dislike Chunk Chunk? I've actually been liking him.
Shifting him happens infrequently; primarily I will use it on the play against Diogo combo or against players I know only have a market hailstorm. Almost never shift him on the draw.
Chunk chunk was good in the skycrag aggro decks with the berserk 2 drop, haven’t played him in this. Ship me a list that uses him and I’ll test it!
I’ve actually been thinking about a no-Merchant version, I wonder how that would go. Also, your version has 6 more one drops than mine, and I’ll bet that helps.
Flameblast only outperforms obliterate when dealing with 4 toughness creatures in this deck, given we have 12 snowballs, 4 torch, and 5 virtual torrential downpour for smaller critters. The small upside there isn’t worth the inconsistency of playing a 3F cost spell in a deck that’s splashing F.