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Xenan Lifeforce Midrange

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Had a lot of fun this month with this climb, and never ran into the thought I'd share it! Favored against aggro, but close to 50% against really anything. Worst matchup is perhaps feln control - hailstorm wrecks us pretty hard, and CoC can be a pain to deal with, as vara's and extract don't gain you life when you pop aegis (as a result, I've hit my own units many a time with these spells to get procs, when all enemies had aegis). Even there though, if you can identify the MU early on, you can hold out and go for an explosive turn later on.

The real reason to play this deck, is that there are numerous nut draws which can win you the game on turn 4 or 5. After playing this deck, I'm inclined to think that Cult Aspirant and Sanctuary Priest are as good of 1-drops as Oni Ronin. I don't recall an opponent ever torching Sanctuary Priest, but that card was regularly key to my victory. Perhaps it was just the caliber of opponents in the climb?

In any event, the buff to Lunar Magus and Cabal Slasher really make this deck possible. Lunar Magus gives us gas and healing for days, and Cabal Slasher either goes 1-for-1 or steamrolls. Both Waystones are also phenomonal.

The deck is a bit susceptible to torch - but they only have 4! ;-)


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
18 16 8

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Deck Rarities
27 18 15 5

Card Types
36 0 13 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


March 14, 2018


Eternal Version
Dead Reckoning

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