Another 7-1 Rakono run. Only loss was against an abolute overpowered cheated AI Deck. Some Examples: Turn 3 SST, followed by turn 4 SST, killed one of them, turn 5 Sturring Sand (getting back SST to play). Turn 6 Moonstone Vanguard, Turn 7 another Moonstone Vanguard (I was still able to somehow deal with all of those Rares and Legendaries) - but after playing turn 8 Great-Kiln Titan I lost. I don't mind playing against good drawing AI decks, but it is just unfair to have to play against decks full of OP cards (I know, i also had two Rares and a Legendary which I didn't draw that game) in Forge Mode which is quite difficult even without such ridiculous opponent Decks.