This list is only a rough first draft and I only tested it against the AI yet to see if the combo works as intended (it does), but I hope that some other deckbuilders can take the idea and optimise the list further. So for now, play the list at your own risk.
I just got the idea for this combo through a discussion on discord, and we developed the idea further. The basic combo is: Merchant on turn 3 to get Praxis Trove. Praxis Trove into 1 drop (into etching for First Flame) on turn 4. 2 drop into Second Sight (put First Flame on top) and then 3 drop into Shared Destiny on turn 5. Then you have 12 ways to immediatly get First Flame with destiny and tribute. You can either Carver one of your units (because he was still alive from earlier turns or because you played Shadowlands Guide as your 3 drop and revived him, also be aware that you cant exhaust Carver for Shared Destiny then) or you played Nocturnal Observer as you 3 drop and activate it to draw First Flame while discarding a unit to trigger the tribute effect (you cant exhaust Observer with Shared Destiny if you want to do it like this). Now you have First Flame and 15 damage with overwhelm and charge, get a few 3/1 after attacking and still have a board that needs to be cleared. If you played a merchant as your 3 drop you can already grab Smugglers Stash out of the market to get First Flame back in case your opponent is able to remove it.
Batteriez and Kibitt also brought the idea for a primal version up that could play basically the same combo with a primal 1 drop that gets primal etchings for something like Channel, Aid of the Hooru or Decimation and then gives destiny to that, which makes it replayable with Reread or Prodigious Sorcery. That version would probably be even more consistent and it would have more plays after the combo, but I wanted to build this version first because First Flame is more fun.
Good luck and have fun!