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Temporal Reclamation

Throne Deck By
Eternal Titans


Cost Curve




This is my take on a Temporal Distortion deck. Your win condition is decking your opponent with Lumen Reclaimer or a beatdown with a neverending stream of 4/4s. Not running the usual topend allows for a lower curve which makes the deck more consistent, while still being able to beat other control decks.

Only play this deck if youre fine with 30+ min games.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 2

Power Sources
13 12 14 14

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
24 29 13 3

Card Types
5 16 29 0 25


January 5, 2018

January 3, 2018


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) January 5, 2018



dexdeus Eternal Version: 1.28
This looks like a much easier time in the early game against aggro than some other Temporal lists. However, it seems to me like it's pretty much an instant concede against Armory, and really anything that has relic weapons. Am I missing something?
dexdeus Eternal Version: 1.28
Having now played this list a while, I can confirm it is pretty much defenceless against a deck that runs relic weapons.
Gandalf Edited Eternal Version: 1.28
I really expected Great Parliament (you mentioned a neverending stream of 4_4's) and was disappointed. I also can't see a sword in your decklist - it might be a bug though on my phone. You mentioned Hammer of Authority, not familiar with this I admit.

I have no idea how this feels to play, but you've got glowing testimonials so it must be ok. Personally, on paper it looks a bit dry and empty compared to I suppose it's nearest TJP Distortion cousin, the New Tomorrow decks, but that is an absolutely subjective opinion made without playing the deck, but I can't even see the weapon listed, don't know why. How many copies?
Sweaty_Wizard Eternal Version: 1.27
Couldnt resist building this once i crafted my lumen. first game i dealt 0 damage and they eventually quit after i hit 16 mana. But it was weak to armory style decks like most control decks are, so i bumped up the number of disjunction also had to add my favorite as a one of and as the 3rd win con in the deck hammer of authority
Solafide Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
What a glorious deck. And yes, the games last forever. LOL

But I'm thinking of putting the sword back in or one more my first game we went 20+ min...I got Lumen out, put my void back into the library and then he polymorphed the over for me at that point; no other win con. Need a second out with this.
Itormi Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
sword win con ? nice joke for silver rank. say hello for Shatterglass Mage Furnace Mage Sabotage Ruin. no 1 cancel ebemy spell ? u idiot. sorry dinnt see. your brain is dead. or u play bronze/silver rank
AhornDelfin Eternal Version: 1.27
You might wanna take a second look at the list, maybe even a third and a fourth one.
Henible Eternal Version: 1.27
u probably so mad coz u dont hv the stones to craft the deck
LightsOutAce Eternal Version: 1.27
You don't win with Sword; you win by decking the opponent.
Elyndria Eternal Version: 1.27
What's your rationale for Entrapment over Eilyn's Choice?
AhornDelfin Eternal Version: 1.27
I dont really want to counter a lot fo things and being able to kill any unit is really nice with posters.