The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Deck is simply not working. After 50 games im being blown out by most things on ladder. Some cards seem out of place. And why the red power? Deck instantly loses to other control if you don't draw the merchant for gift
Downpour seems unnecessary because of BSH. How has it worked out for you? Nice to see Burglarize in your market, I figured it was the best counter to Sword of the Sky King and other relic weapons.
Honestly I'm not sure of downpour. Being a cheap way to pop aegis and deal with runehammers is nice and it's really just in the mainboard to use with witch in the market because of all the time decks. It's easily replaceable with something like two permafrosts though.