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1 Card icon for Agile Strike Agile Strike x1 1 Card icon for Boiling Geyser Boiling Geyser x1 1 Card icon for Boot Knife Boot Knife x1 1 Card icon for Cloaked Guide Cloaked Guide x1 1 Card icon for Combrei Blueprints Combrei Blueprints x1 1 Card icon for Combust Combust x1 1 Card icon for Dark Return Dark Return x1 1 Card icon for Direfang Spider Direfang Spider x1 1 Card icon for Entrancer Entrancer x2 1 Card icon for Feln Blueprints Feln Blueprints x1 1 Card icon for Glen Pathcutter Glen Pathcutter x1 1 Card icon for Glensapper Glensapper x1 1 Card icon for Jibbering Jackal Jibbering Jackal x1 1 Card icon for Peacekeeper's Helm Peacekeeper's Helm x1 1 Card icon for Predator's Instinct Predator's Instinct x1 1 Card icon for Prism Stone Prism Stone x1 1 Card icon for Reliable Troops Reliable Troops x2 1 Card icon for Seek Power Seek Power x1 1 Card icon for Sentinel Mold Sentinel Mold x1 1 Card icon for Sharpened Reflex Sharpened Reflex x1 1 Card icon for Slumbering Stone Slumbering Stone x1 1 Card icon for Spitefeeder Spitefeeder x1 1 Card icon for Telekinetic Shackles Telekinetic Shackles x2 1 Card icon for Warfront Missionary Warfront Missionary x1 2 Card icon for Ankle Cutter Ankle Cutter x1 2 Card icon for Arcane Defense Arcane Defense x1 2 Card icon for Auren Brute Auren Brute x1 2 Card icon for Balm Balm x1 2 Card icon for Belligerent Yeti Belligerent Yeti x1 2 Card icon for Borderlands Waykeeper Borderlands Waykeeper x1 2 Card icon for Burdenbearer Wisp Burdenbearer Wisp x1 2 Card icon for Collapse Collapse x1 2 Card icon for Combrei Stranger Combrei Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Crownwatch Paladin Crownwatch Paladin x1 2 Card icon for Desert Marshal Desert Marshal x1 2 Card icon for Detonation Cannon Detonation Cannon x1 2 Card icon for Diplomatic Immunity Diplomatic Immunity x1 2 Card icon for Entangling Vines Entangling Vines x1 2 Card icon for Fenris Nightshade Fenris Nightshade x1 2 Card icon for Flamefang Charmer Flamefang Charmer x1 2 Card icon for Hair-Trigger Stranger Hair-Trigger Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Horde Duelist Horde Duelist x1 2 Card icon for Hotblood Barbarian Hotblood Barbarian x1 2 Card icon for Iceberg Hailshrieker Iceberg Hailshrieker x1 2 Card icon for Inspire Inspire x1 2 Card icon for Ransack Ransack x1 2 Card icon for Siraf, Grand Strategist Siraf, Grand Strategist x1 2 Card icon for Static Bolt Static Bolt x1 2 Card icon for Surprise Raid Surprise Raid x1 2 Card icon for Tactical Expertise Tactical Expertise x1 2 Card icon for Tandem Shieldbearer Tandem Shieldbearer x2 2 Card icon for Temple Scribe Temple Scribe x1 2 Card icon for Torrential Downpour Torrential Downpour x1 2 Card icon for Touch of Grace Touch of Grace x1 3 Card icon for Banished Umbren Banished Umbren x1 3 Card icon for Blackguard Sidearm Blackguard Sidearm x1 3 Card icon for Burnished Grenahawk Burnished Grenahawk x1 3 Card icon for Camp Surveyor Camp Surveyor x1 3 Card icon for Censari Dervish Censari Dervish x1 3 Card icon for Concealed Veteran Concealed Veteran x1 3 Card icon for Deepcover Operative Deepcover Operative x1 3 Card icon for Fevered Scout Fevered Scout x1 3 Card icon for Genius Combatant Genius Combatant x1 3 Card icon for Herald of the Parliament Herald of the Parliament x1 3 Card icon for Illuminator Illuminator x1 3 Card icon for Kosul Bladebarrier Kosul Bladebarrier x1 3 Card icon for Leatherhide Leatherhide x1 3 Card icon for Lurking Feeder Lurking Feeder x1 3 Card icon for Manufacture Manufacture x1 3 Card icon for Maveloft Botanist Maveloft Botanist x1 3 Card icon for Merciless Officer Merciless Officer x1 3 Card icon for Miner's Canary Miner's Canary x1 3 Card icon for Modready Drone Modready Drone x1 3 Card icon for Nurturing Sentinel Nurturing Sentinel x2 3 Card icon for Omnivorous Vorlunk Omnivorous Vorlunk x1 3 Card icon for Pumpwerks Engineer Pumpwerks Engineer x1 3 Card icon for Queen's Elite Queen's Elite x1 3 Card icon for Rampaging Commando Rampaging Commando x1 3 Card icon for Reinforced Baton Reinforced Baton x1 3 Card icon for Retribution Retribution x1 3 Card icon for Shockwave Elemental Shockwave Elemental x1 3 Card icon for Sirocco Elementalist Sirocco Elementalist x1 3 Card icon for Skysnapper Skysnapper x1 3 Card icon for Speardancer Speardancer x1 3 Card icon for Thorncrawler Thorncrawler x1 3 Card icon for Topple Topple x2 3 Card icon for Trickster's Cloak Trickster's Cloak x1 4 Card icon for A Life For A Life A Life For A Life x1 4 Card icon for Battleblur Centaur Battleblur Centaur x1 4 Card icon for Copperhall Recruit Copperhall Recruit x1 4 Card icon for Disgraced Cadet Disgraced Cadet x1 4 Card icon for Freight Asri Freight Asri x1 4 Card icon for Graceful Calligrapher Graceful Calligrapher x1 4 Card icon for Gravemarker Oni Gravemarker Oni x1 4 Card icon for Hammer of Might Hammer of Might x1 4 Card icon for Horned Vorlunk Horned Vorlunk x1 4 Card icon for Magma Javelin Magma Javelin x1 4 Card icon for Minister of Obeyance Minister of Obeyance x1 4 Card icon for Nobles' Enforcer Nobles' Enforcer x1 4 Card icon for Razorquill Razorquill x1 4 Card icon for Retrofitted Sentinel Retrofitted Sentinel x1 4 Card icon for Sauropod Crasher Sauropod Crasher x1 4 Card icon for Scalechannel Sorcerer Scalechannel Sorcerer x1 4 Card icon for Scavenging Spikeback Scavenging Spikeback x1 4 Card icon for Sentinel Sifter Sentinel Sifter x1 4 Card icon for Sheriff Marley Sheriff Marley x1 4 Card icon for Spearfrenzy Warrior Spearfrenzy Warrior x1 4 Card icon for Stonescar Magus Stonescar Magus x1 4 Card icon for Tandem Training Tandem Training x1 4 Card icon for Unchecked Upgrader Unchecked Upgrader x1 4 Card icon for Velise, Bear Rider Velise, Bear Rider x1 4 Card icon for Vile Varmint Vile Varmint x1 4 Card icon for Xenan Guardian Xenan Guardian x1 5 Card icon for Cliffside Caretaker Cliffside Caretaker x1 5 Card icon for Combrei Magister Combrei Magister x1 5 Card icon for Combustion Brawler Combustion Brawler x1 5 Card icon for Corrupted Behemoth Corrupted Behemoth x1 5 Card icon for Eviscerate Eviscerate x1 5 Card icon for Gnashing Displacer Gnashing Displacer x1 5 Card icon for Inquisitive Alchemist Inquisitive Alchemist x2 5 Card icon for Jotun Warrior Jotun Warrior x1 5 Card icon for Lurking Sanguar Lurking Sanguar x1 5 Card icon for Muck Devourer Muck Devourer x1 5 Card icon for Stonescar Outfitter Stonescar Outfitter x1 5 Card icon for Subversion Slug Subversion Slug x1 5 Card icon for Twin Sai Twin Sai x1 5 Card icon for Warband Chieftain Warband Chieftain x1 6 Card icon for D'Angolo Might D'Angolo Might x1 6 Card icon for Guardian Angel Guardian Angel x1 6 Card icon for Heretic's Cannon Heretic's Cannon x1 6 Card icon for Marshal Izia Marshal Izia x1 6 Card icon for Pyre Elemental Pyre Elemental x1 6 Card icon for Tamarys, Earthshaker Tamarys, Earthshaker x1 6 Card icon for Winnow Winnow x1 7 Card icon for Subterranean Sentry Subterranean Sentry x1 Card icon for Crest of Glory Crest of Glory x1 Card icon for Feln Banner Feln Banner x1 Card icon for Fire Sketch Fire Sketch x1 Card icon for Rune of Flame Rune of Flame x1 Card icon for Rune of Illusion Rune of Illusion x1 Card icon for Rune of Law Rune of Law x1 Card icon for Rune of Trickery Rune of Trickery x1


Cost Curve



Event Information

League - Chapter 56: Hour of Glass
July 1-31, 2021
July 2021 Sealed League


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2 2 2

Power Sources
3 2 2 2 2

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
99 36 13 1

Card Types
98 14 30 0 7


July 30, 2021


Eternal Version
Hour of Glass

BBCode For Comments

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