This is my take on FTJ mid post Echoes of Eternity.
I started on D2 with Sardaukar99's
list, changing it while playing it. First thing I modified was less Displays ; that card isn't that great in my opinion ; every mode is pretty weak and the fact that it's a wisdom for power that fetch random influence for a deck that greedy is pretty bad. I left one because sometime it helps but it isn't set in stone.
Next I wanted to fight the Keelo deck that invaded the meta, so I looked at Naoki and tried her ; very good idea. Insane against skycrag in particuliar, and a very powerful midrange unit overall that helped pushing through board stalls. Then, I looked at the power count ; it didn't seem right to have this many sources if I added a pledge card, so I took out power.
And then I realised I was gonna build the exact same shell as my previous FTJ build so I added the cards that I thought were the strongest in that archetype and I ended up with Power Stone and Knife, and a power in the market. Distillation didn't seem necessary from the start as 4 mana to not impact the board is only good against control, a matchup the deck already destroys, so I felt good about cutting it.
I feel the deck is well positionned against the meta at the moment, but If the Keemo decks are overrepresented, I would change the list, as the matchup is slightly worse for us.
Don't hesitate to leave a comment and a good day to you !
This is svrQQ. I made the big combrei list that Miol29 won Winter Throne tournament with. Here's my take on this archetype which is pretty close to yours.
I think Naoki makes sense with a more active gameplan. You want board presence before 5 to threaten to exalt her weapon. Tocas and Ramba are both great units that block 1 and 2 drops early game and can be power sinks mid-late game and act as pseudo card draw. It might be worth experimenting with both Sirafs also. Last month my list was even greedier, the desert marshals were Great Parliaments and still managed to hit master.
Don't have much time this month to play or deck build but definitely agree that Naoki is strong enough for Throne.
Also I alternate between 2 and 4 of the smugglers since the deck doesn't run any cheap removal/hate/whatever in the market and I usually find I am unhappy if I am drawing more than 2 or 3 merchants in a game.