I wanted a deck that was well rounded against a variety of decks. This deck is very strong. I will explain some of its features.
Between all the minion cards available I picked ones that would sync with each other. In my opinion some of the best mid range and mid tech minions in Eternal.
This deck uses what I consider my standard of eight cards for draw. I chose Second sight and Strategy together. Mainly for the cheap cost. But with outside the norm card draw. Targov, Rindra and Crests make sure you have a decent flow.
I use a mixed set of removal. Generalized threat and specialized. With a couple anti minion and/or anti spell cards.
This deck so far is undefeated. Although I am sure I will at least lose to power shortage or gain. But so far the deck has remained very solid. It seems to have almost perfect precision as far as RNG goes. I always seem to have a answer. Only had one match where I thought my opponent had the jump on me. But he still lost in the end. which is what matters!