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Lifeforce of Nature

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




This deck is atypical of Xenan right now for two reasons:

1. There is no Sandstorm Titan
2. There is no Xenan Initiation

Why would I post such a deck? Because it is carrying me up the standings. I was wallowing in Diamond rank and in one morning I have climbed to #62. I don't think this is the peak for this deck either, just 4 losses in my last 20 games [Thankyou Match History] is suggestive of its potential.

This is a midrange deck with a lot of play in the early turns and a really good late game. It rarely misses power drops. It uses multiple card combinations to draw cards early. The match against aggro is good [notgreat] but an average game will see you stabilize and then close quickly with overwhelming powerful dudes.

Ayan The Abductor is so good!

The reason Sandstorm Titan doesn't need to be in this deck is because opposing Sandstorm Titans are taken out by Predatory Carnosaurs. Frequently the same Predatory Carnosaur. You are weak to flyers. But right now, flyers seem to be out of favor. The current four drops are a lot better with the other cards in the deck. You have the nice curve of Ayan The Abductor + Beckoning Lumen or Auric Interrogator + Xenan Obelisk or if Auric Interrogator dies, Auric Interrogator + Dark Return + Auric Interrogator.

Why does this deck win? It focuses on the important aspects of the mirror matchup which are burying in card advantage rather than having the biggest dude early. Coincidentally that is also a winning strategy against Praxis too. Praxis can kill X/3's like nobodies business, but you have an overabundance of targets. One Xenan Obelisk will ruin that plan. The deck has a really great curve.

I have had really good results against Feln, but I am still not sure if this was just lucky.

I have played many variations of this deck and this is most consistent version that I have tuned. I am very partial to Xenan decks and incremental advantage over time. This deck has that in spades and loses infrequently to poor draws.

Good luck, have fun!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
19 16 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
16 13 20 8

Card Types
28 4 16 0 27

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


November 10, 2017


Eternal Version
The Pale Riders

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