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FTP Tokens

Throne Deck By
Team Rankstar

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




Started with this list from DrHero.
Still working at the right list and the Powerbase, suggestions very welcome!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 2

Power Sources
11 16 14 16

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Deck Rarities
20 25 21

Card Types
18 7 25 0 25


May 5, 2018


Eternal Version
Sealed Deck League

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aardvarkpepper Edited Eternal Version: 1.31.6
I feel that this Fire-Time-Primal token build is not viable.

See if you follow and agree with this argument. Traditional Fire-Time token meta runs various Time minions that draw cards, thinning the deck and populating the board. The thinned deck gives increased probability of drawing Xenan Obelisk, Rally, and Shogun of the Wastes, which combine with the generated tokens when the deck hits 8 power to deal fatal damage. Even if you just manage to push four tokens through, that's 24 damage with Rally/Shogun; running Rally-Xenan and hitting with four tokens is 20 damage, running Obliterate/Rally with four tokens is 17 damage. That is, there's multiple finishers. Within all that is typically four Torch, which as a fast spell that can be cast on opponent's turn (which is IMO why it makes it in over Purify). Because hitting 8 power is so essential, the deck also typically runs power acceleration in the form of 4 x Trail Maker, which also fixes influence.

Then you have different tech cards, which I guess maybe I would say the usual suspects would be Praxis Displacer (which lets you bounce a big problematic enemy minion, but also lets you get another activation out of Shogun of the Wastes or lets you draw another key card), Obliterate (which doesn't combo well with Xenan Obelisk, and which I personally think is a bit dangerous), Shogun of the Wastes (which I mentioned as a core part of the deck, but others consider it "tech"), then Alluring Ember, Heart of the Vault, and perhaps Cinder Yeti against metas that stop the Praxis deck from hitting its ideal kill zone; the Warp lets the deck at least have some sort of card draw engine as well as providing flying/charge for an unexpected finisher, exhaust to clear the path for unexpected finisher, or a 6/6 body and a bit of extra damage, and Gloaming Wisp, which is a cheap 1-drop flyer that damages the enemy and lets them draw but lets you draw as well and maybe you get some early chip damage out of it. Oh, and Initiate of the Sands, which isn't necessarily run in place of Trail Maker but possibly as well, letting the deck ramp up to 8 power and generally vomit onto the board that much faster especially if running a Warp variation (though always having to be careful against board wipes). Some run Arcanum Monitor though personally I think it's just a bit too slow and doesn't quite do what it needs to do in the deck, or Vault of the Praxis, which I think personally is way too slow, the problem is you use up a card to play the card itself, then you need to generate a card advantage with a token play, then only after that do you start generating card advantage, which all seems to maybe be all right until one realizes that one could also draw more Vault of the Praxis which are dead cards developmentally that don't generate board advantage and just how long was this game supposed to last anyways and just what win conditions are in the deck for the late game matchup? (the answer being basically Praxis Tokens can't really afford Vault of the Praxis to my mind). Edit - oh, and there's plenty of other cards that mess with things, like a Time card that doubles casting cost that works if you have a pretty good idea of the meta, you drop it before they get the power/influence to play a key card then try to get a hit and double the card's cost then your opponent's key development card got crippled. Then there's a Time card that blows up all enemy attachments and silences everything. Then there's all sorts of fun stuff, fire/time with warp that destroys an attachment, just lots of things really.)

But regardless of tech, the traditional Praxis token deck and variations is very focused on generating a quick board and pushing for a finisher. Personally I like the Warp build as it lets you trade with more confidence against the aggro matchup, and provides a bit of extra added threat range against slower combo decks that might otherwise go into a 50/50 tradeoff situation where you're each trying to draw a finisher, Warp gives you that bit of an edge. But there are no Mystic Ascendant in the build to try to build some sort of late-game card advantage, there aren't Find the Way that would generate card advantage and even increase the reliability of playing out power each turn but would slow the deck from putting out a board (because there needs to be a good-sized board already in play before Xenan Obelisk / Rally / Shogun can go off) besides which depleted power cards possibly stopping it from making a key play a turn earlier which can be vital. What I consider the classic Praxis build is very much token generation, boosting tokens, then multiple finisher cards that work to buff the board for fatal damage. Fundamentally Praxis tokens doesn't go the distance, it is not supposed to go the distance.

Then look at this deck. It runs Primal, and sure it's all sorts of fun if the opponent plays Harsh Rule or whatever boardwipe then you play Scouting Party and they don't have an answer (but mind that by playing Primal at all, once they see Fire-Time, it's a sure bet they WILL be thinking you have Scouting Party (and Shimmerpack too probably). so you're telegraphing that play so they ought to be prepared.) There's some chance they'll be thinking you're running Crystalline Chalice as well though I'd guess usually not (as I think Crystalline Chalice is bad for the deck and probably others would think the same so wouldn't think you'd run it).

But instead of Shimmerpack (which I'll get to in a moment), what this deck runs in place of traditional Praxis is additional Crests (which slow pushing the board on to the field), 3 Permafrost, 3 Strategize, 4 Wisdom of the Elders, then 4 Scouting Party. You can make a case for Permafrost even though it's conditional, even though it doesn't generate a body that combos with Xenan Obelisk (like Ice Sprite would, not that I am saying Ice Sprite is great by any means either). At LEAST Permafrost is cheap so you can drop it while you continue developing your board. But Strategize and Wisdom of the Elders have you trading power to cycle through the deck or draw, and are quite costly in terms of development. And you could perhaps justify this by stating you're trying to draw into key parts of a combo, but if you look at this deck, it removed 2 Rally and Shogun (or Arcanum Monitor, as it were, or Obliterate, or really any other card that combos with the generated field of weak tokens and/or finishes), and though you have draw, I state the draw is clearly not compensation for fewer win conditions. As I wrote (and would you not agree?) traditional Praxis tokens pushes to end the game before enemy decks get their shenanigans off. Sure draw cards let you increase the probability of getting key combination cards, but it's better to have *more kill combination cards* than *card draw* cards that let you draw kill combination pieces. Specifically? Say you're running out of room to maneuver (which you will be), you have two kill combination cards, you play them in combination and do 20+ damage. Or you're running out of room to maneuver, you have one kill combination card and one draw card, you spend power to play the draw card then get another draw card, you can't do a finisher that turn, then you get killed before your next turn. It plays out exactly like that in close matchups. Time is essential.

Instead of a more consistent and reliable Praxis token deck with multiple win conditions, this Time-Fire-Primal deck is considerably slower, has considerably fewer combinations resulting in potential lethal damage win conditions, and doesn't have any compensatory tricks or safeguards to compensate for the loss. The one thing it really does to a lot better is potentially repopulate the board and swing to re-establish hand after enemy board wipe into your Scouting Party, but that's hardly enough considering all the discarded potential win conditions, and you could do that with just a bit of Primal anyways.

What's most surprising to me is the absence of Shimmerpack. It just seems such an obvious choice; if you are running massive token generation off Grenadin Drone, Assembly Line, Humbug Swarm, and Scouting Party to boot, as well as running multiple Time garbage minion-draw cards, well the one thing you can be pretty sure of is that if your whole deck didn't get blown up (and maybe even if it did) you will probably have more creatures then your opponent. And what better way to shut off annoying abilities than to effectively silence everything by transforming them into generic token minions? Sure it's not a perfect solution and is costly, but a pseudo-Silence effect that increases threat range at 8-drop? It's certainly not the worst one could do.

The other big surprise to my mind is Initiate of the Sands x 4, but no Trail Maker. It's a three-color deck, and sure the deck's already slowed by running Crests, but with so few win conditions, wasn't it thought feasible to run a 2-drop influence fixer that as a 2/1 can defend against more potential threats and do a bit of additional opportunistic damage? Granted 2-drop 2/1 is pretty garbage insofar as combat stats go, but the influence fixing in a three-faction deck is just really nice.

If the deck is changed to include more kill combos or finishers, switch out Seats for Banners. Late game you draw into a Seat, it's depleted because you've already played all your Sigils, so you don't have the 8 power to drop on the key turn. Reducing the number of Crests would be something to really think about too. A two-faction Fire/Time deck can run four Crests, and you could say it's worth it to run four Crests because drawing the right keys is so important. But running nine Crests and using additional cards for draw is I think excessive especially without some sort of late-game super-combo.

In closing, a comment on Praxis token Warp tech versus random card draw. The whole issue with card draw in a Fire-Time token build is it's slow and you just can't take the time unless the deck includes a lot of late-game shenanigans (and typically Fire-Time token decks are running cards for token generation and cards to thin the deck while putting out a board, so *don't* have the room for multiple win condition cards as *well* as even more draw cards that don't generate board), second this particular build removes win conditions and replaces it with draw, but third also the draw is unknown. Sure, you could maybe get around that with Scout (though I think the deck is already really dangerously slow as I mentioned). But Warp is not like that. You precisely know in advance what card you are going to draw with Warp, perhaps you need to build four influence for that 1-drop flying charge (which seems ridiculously overpriced, but it's like drawing a card, creating then attacking immediately with a persistent threat that has evasion, which is further buffed by any other spells or Xenan Obelisk buffs you may have). Or you pay quite a bit for a 6/6 body that doesn't seem to be great on the face of it, but on the other hand it also includes the card draw if you played off Warp, plus it makes the next card cheaper, plus it does a bit of chip damage, so it works out especially since 6/6 is such a good answer against so many base set cards. Or you tap out a key enemy (though I think this the weakest of the more usual Warp suspects). But in any case Warp in the late game (when you have enough power to generate card advantage off Warp) is far superior to blind draw that you're paying 2-3 power for to generate zero board but only to cycle or draw.

P.S. For much the same reasons that I recommended against cards dedicated simply to cycling or draw, I also cannot recommend Crystalline Chalice, It maybe looks good conceptually for a bit, but then you start figuring that Crystalline Chalice is a dead draw if you're digging for a late-game finisher, that you have to pump a load of power into it to get it to generate card draw to offset the card slot it itself used, and finally the more card draw type cards you run in the deck, the fewer win conditions you can include in that 75-card deck. You have to remove something, and what's it going to be? Then how much effort are you expending on trying to generate card advantage when what you need to do is end the game before late-game control decks just overrun you? Or if you're going to retool the deck so you're trying to generate card advantage then go into some sort of late-game combination exploit finisher, the deck needs to look radically different.

To my mind dedicated cycling and draw cards are really better for builds like TJP Chalice (Time-Justice-Primal) where you're using Harsh Rule to blow up the field, then your attachments stayed, then if you draw a Temple Scribe or Desert Marshal you can generate additional card advantage, or you turn your Ephemeral Wisp into 4/5s that self-resurrect off Empower etc. then you mass populate the board and crush your opponent off a big Parliament of Owls after all their responses were pulled dealing with your other stuff. while you used your Vanquish and Scorpion Wasp and Harsh Rule to deal with their X/Y huge minions, and your Sandstorm Elemental to eat anything smaller.

But if you're doing Fire-Time tokens and really starting off with Assembly Line and Xenan Obelisk, all the conditions you need to put in to really make that work start adding up. You want to accelerate to 8 power to make Xenan Obelisk more effective, you want to generate a field, you want to thin your deck. And in the end, you use up so many cards on generating the tokens to begin with that you're pretty invested in those tokens and need to make the most of them, so then you have to start pushing with Xenan Obelisk and accelerating into 8 power so you get bigger boost of Xenan Obelisk and using garbage Time minions to thin the deck to increase probability of drawing other key combo cards. Then too you run into this issue where you can't really deal with gigantic enemy minions because you don't have Vanquish, and though you could have Scorpion Wasp, you still don't have Harsh Rule, which means really *can't* count on having a response to gigantic enemy X/Y minions or generally losing board control. So you have to end the game before that happens.
AromaNova Edited Eternal Version: 1.31.6
First of all WOW I'm actually impressed by this long and very constructive post! Thanks for that, I much aprechiate it! :)

To be honest I haven't played the deck anymore after around 50 games, I tried some differnt things including Shimmerpack, Trail Maker...
But I think the deck is just not good enough. When I'm in the mood to jam with tokens I just play the usual Praxis Tokens lists.
Sweepers are even not that big of a problem for the Token deck's so it's not worth it to add Primal I think.

Maybe another time or with new cards there might be some deck but at this point it's just worse than Praxis Tokens.

(btw: you should write an article about tokens! I might find a place were you could post it i guess)
aardvarkpepper Edited Eternal Version: 1.31.6
Article about tokens - eh, editing (makes scared face) maybe someday.

But if Part 1 emphasized the importance of timing for Fire/Time tokens (you need to kill the opponent before they can get their rocks off, and paying power to draw or cycle cards doesn't necessarily do that), there should also be a Part 2 describing the importance of changing the deck with the meta - and a Part 3 to cover sideboards for tournaments if an article were done properly, maybe a Part 4 about why 2 of a card instead of 3, or 3 instead of 4, etc.

For example, I wrote I consider Arcanum Monitor not a core part of the deck, which I think the current meta agrees with. I wrote I favor Shogun of the Wastes which I think is not part of the current meta and really considered more of a side. But why do I and others say Arcanum Monitor doesn't belong, and why do others say Shogun doesn't belong in the current meta? (And I really felt that what I wrote didn't include what I think essential to deckbuilding skill, explaining why one card is used over another, and very specifically why).

First, the question of Arcanum Monitor. It's an inefficient card that's easily removed. It's a 5-drop, where Xenan Obelisk is a 4-drop, and Arcanum provides a +1/+1 where Xenan can provide up to +2/+2. Then too, most decks have a Silence effect or minion removal via spell, and certainly opponents aren't necessarily going to want to blow up a random token, plus your opponent will probably be struggling to establish some sort of board so will have played out their minions and saved their minion counters.

But why Arcanum at all then? And why might you see articles saying Arcanum is a must-have? It depends on the meta. Arcanum is really more of a counter against meta that does 1-2 damage. A lot of minions in the deck have 1 toughness, so are easily killed by things like Plague and Black-Sky Harbinger. Then too there's a question of Temper, Snowball and whatever small damage effects. Right now the meta has plenty of effects that kill 1-toughness specifically, but it's certainly not that every deck has loads of it.

If the meta did have a lot of effects that kill 1-toughness then you might see Talir's Favored and maybe even Avirax Familiar though Familiar is just horribly slow, you really can't win if your deck is getting hard-countered all the time, so it would be a necessary change. But those are changes that could be made *without* going so far as devoting a card slot to inefficient Arcanum Monitor.

But then there's a question of 2-damage effects and minions. Not just the more readily considered Piercing Shot, Lightning Storm but also stuff like Oni Ronin, Rakano Outlaw, Cabal Cutthroat just to name the more usual suspects. And again, those are cards that I don't think really characterize the current meta so much. Now if this were before the expansions were released, then yes you WOULD see a lot more of that sort of thing, but right now no. Sure you see them, but the real danger area is not limited to *just* those 2-damage threats, so the Fire/Time token deck needs to run different answers that address those other problems.

Anyways, if the meta did have a lot of 1-2 damage effects and/or aggro minions, then Xenan Obelisk just gets too overtaxed. So you really need Arcanum Monitor to boost toughness so your deck isn't getting hard countered all over the place what with your opponents putting out larger minions and also generating effects that kill your board before you can establish anything. The attack comes in handy for killing enemy aggro minions too.

But as i wrote, I don't think 1-2 damage effects are what really characterize the current meta. Primal's Lightning Storm got subbed out for Hailstorm, Piercing Shot isn't run because it's more suited to semi-aggro going up against semi-aggro, and though you do see 2-attack minions, there are other ways to push an advantage against the aggro matchup (as I mentioned, I like some Warp cards that can thin the deck and generate effective card draw to get the edge on what's otherwise a race to topdeck).

What we do see a lot of is Torch, Hailstorm, Stray into Shadow, and Harsh Rule, and X/Y minions that are just gigantic and nasty. Arcanum Monitor is a bit too slow to provide protection against the larger damage effects even if the deck does run Talir's Favored and Avirax Familiar, and if Fire/Time *did* run those cards that are slower and not good at aggro, then it really has a hard time building a quick kill against lifegain decks or even decks that just get a bunch of meaty minions on the board and rush you down.

So rather than use Arcanum Monitor in the current meta to counter threats that aren't even in the current meta, or using it as a desperation measure to try to achieve parity against heavy duty removal that doesn't work out in the end, it's just removed entirely. BUT if the current meta DID have a lot of 1-2 damage effects, things would be completely different.

Vault of the Praxis is another card that's a necessary evil in some metas. In the current meta it's horribly inefficient draw for power spent and kills your development, it's a dead draw when you want to kill your opponent before you get overrun by gigantic minotaurs or sentinels. But just imagine if the meta were filled with decks using multiple board clears and single-target removal spells without much of a card draw engine, or otherwise slow decks that didn't run a draw engine. In such a meta, you'd lose your board again and again, and the Warp mechanic wouldn't quite be up to the task of getting enough cards in your hand to repeatedly threaten game ending situations. You wouldn't be able to match your opponent card for cards, so you'd need to generate card advantage, and if your opponents are mostly slow, then it's time to use Vault.

In the current meta Alluring Ember and Heart of the Vault are very nice in my opinion. But if you look at the numbers, those eight cards at best draw eight cards, assuming you didn't draw them in the opening hand, assuming you played them using Warp. Consider Vault of the Praxis. Those four cards start by drawing zero cards and cost four power to boot, but then they combo with Assembly Line, Humbug Swarm, Marisen's Disciple, and Grenadin Drone turning each of them into draw 1-4 cards at no additional power cost - as well as making every other trash minion in the deck potential draw as well. Especially if running Ephemeral Wisp or other weirdness, you can draw 20+ extra cards in a slower matchup. Sure the entire deck ends up being changed, but if you want to run a slow Fire/Time token deck, Vault of the Praxis is definitely the way to go for draw.

Finally, the question of Gloaming Wisp. In the question of "why this, not that", Gloaming Wisp doesn't make it into the current meta because it's just a bit not good enough. Alluring Ember is the way to go (again, in the current meta).

Gloaming seemingly has a load of advantages; it's an early drop so doesn't mess with your crucial 8-drop kill combos (Obliterate/Rally, Shogun/Rally), it flies so putting it out early can get you chip damage, it puts Nightfall out that itself does damage, and Nightfall gives you draw. But on the other hand, it doesn't have Charge so your opponent can see it coming, Nightfall lets your opponent draws a card too. What that amounts to is in the aggro matchup Gloaming's 1/1 body doesn't give you an edge, its card draw benefits your opponent even more than you (since other decks don't rely on Xenan Obelisk to get their minions to survivable size - Fire's Rakano Outlaw; Shadow Argenport Instigator,Justice Copperhall Bailiff). Against the control matchup you're looking at your opponent drawing into Hailstorm or perhaps Combrei Healer or whatever card can shut down any early aggro pokes, or Harsh Rule to board clear. So what it amounts to is its early chip damage is useful, but its card draw to your opponent can actually be quite dangerous against your opportunistic aggro. Even your opponent drawing another power card can be a problem as they may then have enough power to put a sizable body on the board, or at least won't have to spend a turn to use Find the Way to dig for influence before they can put out Combrei Healer for example. Finally, Nightfall doesn't really work with other cards in most Fire/Time token builds, but it does help other builds that do work off Night effects.

Compare to Alluring Ember. Alluring Ember has its bad points as well; it's not a great card to draw then hold in your hand (consider that I wrote Arcanum Monitor isn't quite justified in the deck even though it gives all other minions 1/1, so what can you say of a card that doesn't even do that much?), it has pretty sizable influence requirements considering it's a 1-drop (though Trail Maker helps, along with Banner/Seat/Crests). On the plus side it has Warp, Charge, and Flying.

Alluring seemingly has a host of disadvantages. Warp doesn't draw any additional cards, it draws itself but it can't draw you a kill combo card. Feeling pressured to play Alluring in place of Initiate of the Sands and/or Trail Maker if Alluring is on top of deck means that extra power that would have been available next turn isn't. In the hand Alluring is a pretty dead draw, and its influence requirements make it that much more likely that you will have to draw it instead of playing it off Warp. But Warp, Charge, and Flying make it the slightly better card *in most current meta builds*.

Warp is dead in the hand, but it doesn't generate any card advantage to your opponent. Charge lets you put more hit on your opponent especially combined with buffs like Rally so offsets the early chip damage Gloaming might get before building up to influence requirement. The real power of the card (such as it is) is the combination of Warp, Flying, and Charge, and the aggregate difference is really small compared to Gloaming, but it has a slight edge (in my opinion) in this current meta.

In the aggro matchup, Fire/Time tokens have a horrible time fighting for board, but Warp lets you trade away your minions with greater confidence. If you didn't have Warp cards in your deck, against aggro matchups featuring Rakano Outlaw, Argenport Instigator, Copperhall Bailiff Fire/Time token sub-par garbage minions like Temple Scribe, Amber Acolyte make it an uphill battle. On the defensive the matchup is just terrible, even using 3-drop Assembly Line to gang block enemy 2-drop Argenport Instigator barely gets the job done, then your opponent may well throw out a Torch, Annihilate, or Rapid Shot then you're REALLY behind. So you really struggle even with Torch in your deck, and what happens as the game progresses? You can't match your opponent card for card, and you have to sacrifice your board to stop from getting completely overrun. So if you can't match your opponent card for card you need card advantage to recover, and that's where Warp comes in handy. (Gloaming, again, is not good early in the aggro matchup as you need Xenan Obelisk to come out before you can get anything like board parity so early Gloaming play just sees your opponent pushing hard anyways so doesn't help. Arcanum Monitor eats a Deathstrike. That isn't to say that you're doomed in the aggro matchup, nor is it to say Arcanum is "wrong" against aggro, but if you're running Fire/Time, your opponent will literally be sitting on Vanquish, Desert Marshal, Valkyrie Enforcer, or Deathstrike specifically to kill Arcanum Monitor just because it is so problematic for them - and since they do, your uphill battle for board parity continues after your 5-drop is neutralized, so against a heavy aggro meta you start looking for other answers like Ephemeral Wisp Well I digress.) Anyways, with the current Fire/Time token meta, you have a horrible uphill battle in the first early turns, then you hopefully establish Xenan Obelisk that isn't destroyed, then you start playing Warp cards and gradually push for board parity then try to ride your game-ending combo to a win, and in that struggle Alluring just ends up working so much better than Gloaming.

In the control matchup, the contrast between Alluring and Gloaming doesn't seem as sharp. But early Gloaming play to try to push for early poke damage means an opponent can draw a third power to cast a meaty 3-drop, or at the very least lets them draw through more cards to look for key early defensive cards or a momentum-killing midgame boardwipe.

But what with all this text about Alluring over Gloaming in the current meta, again, I think it's really just a *bit*, it's not that Alluring is strictly better than Gloaming in all metas. Imagine there's some sort of hyperaggressive build that tries to vomit its hand onto the table and without even waiting to build to 8 power for better Xenan Obelisk or Shogun/Rally combo. In that case, you don't even care that your opponent is drawing cards, because your deck is supposed to be so fast that no matter what your opponent draws they literally can't keep up with your damage output no matter what they have in their hand. In that theoretical meta, Alluring would be better since it doesn't have high influence requirements, it has evasion, and it can get just a bit more small chip damage that sets up the finisher. Or maybe a deck uses more Night effects so Gloaming sets that up instead.

So to wrap up, it's usually not so much that a card is "better" or "worse" of itself, it's a question of what else is out there, and either you need large obvious changes like Arcanum Monitor to counter a meta that otherwise counters your deck, or you need small changes like Alluring instead of Gloaming to get just a wee bit better perfomance in matchups.

Oh, and as to Shogun of the Wastes not being core in the current meta - it needs a board to work off of. I mentioned I favored it because it works well with buffed tokens, but imagine you get board wiped then you draw Shogun of the Wastes - that isn't really a comeback card. Or let's say you were in that sharp nasty struggle against aggro, then what does Shogun do in the hand or when drawn? Not much because again you don't have a board to work with. Now say instead you draw whatever card then find Heart of the Vault on top - you're well on your way to recovery right there; a 6/6 body, a bit of chip damage, and another card with reduced mana cost? Nice.

I've always liked to run 4 Rally 4 Xenan Obelisk, 4 x Marisen's Disciple and now Amber Acolyte and Trail Maker, so with all that buffing and 2-base-damage minions Shogun just gets that little bit better, so I've considered it a pretty core card. But even so, I have to admit it's a bit greedy, at least when compared to the more obvious comeback benefits of Heart of the Vault
flippyflop Edited Eternal Version: 1.31.6
the main issue is, what does primal bring to the party and is it better than just simply being a tier 1 praxis token deck?

not trying to be a downer, i also want tri-color token decks to be both viable and good but i'm not really sure what the answer is.
the card draw spells that primal provides doesn't seem like the right approach when the idea is to overwhelm with a density of threats. if we're taking time to tread water and find answers, it's likely our opponent has done the same if not better. especially since they likely have the ability to interact with the board that this deck lacks.

lists in the past focused on Scouting Party and tried to abuse with Calderan Gunsmith or through spell recusion with West-Wind Herald, but it's a little too ambitious/not impactful enough in the current meta

primal, has interesting tools such as Lastlight Druid, and efforts have been made to insert him into various token shells:
and while i think nightfall is a particularly beneficial mechanic for the token deck, i just don't think there are enough tools at the moment for it to be real.

some other pusedo tokeny tools, Mirror Image, Sunken Tower are better suited for extending larger threats like in that of an elysian beat down deck, or a multiplying dinosaur scream combo deck

Thudrock, Arctic Artisan and Clutchkeeper also are token generators, but can't exist outside of the tribal bit

sorry this is more of a blog at this point than anything, i'm just hoping for more tools with set 4 on the horizon.
AromaNova Edited Eternal Version: 1.31.6
Thx for this long and information post! I'm also asking myself if Praxis tokens in the end is just straight better, the idea behind this was to be more resilient versus sweepers. But I'm not sure if it's good enough, even though I have a lot of fun playing the deck I'm not satisfied with the results yet. I will try some more cards and different lists but in the end praxis might still be just better and this deck will go to rest again :)