The deck is heavily insipired by Camat0's oni gang. I adjusted it because I didn't have 4 of all the legendaries but also because I think svetya's bravery is a nice card here. Maybe I had better draws than opponents or they had worse. Nevertheless the deck works for me very well.
I started to use this deck in diamond 3 (playing 9 wins per day for max gold income). Currently I am in masters ranked 67. The main reason was me being sick of facing xenan with my other decks and having not exactly positive winrate.
Overwhelm helps against chumping, aegis from svetya's bravery catches many ppl in surprise protecting your vital units (jishu, quartermaster, akko before mastery, etc.).
The four one-of weapons are for situation where you want something specific from onslaught Jishu. Blade for evasion, shield for permafrost, magebreaker as a remover or even spell disabler if you have 5 power and longbarrel for overwhelm with possible piercing shot to remove some deadly elementals/flyers/etc.
I'm open to suggestions but it's been working for me really even in this (probably not optimal) form.