So I'm not used to build decks, but I was not having any fun with the ones I tried here so just started testing out. Aways liked the time units and tried a monoTime but didn't work out well, and Combrei ramp is great but i hate to draw accelerators late in the game. So just put the big guys together and its has been working out great.
I didnt make any statitics from my matchs but took me from gold 2 to masters. Some general guidelines would be trying too keep hands with 3 power if you have early interaction at least some 3 cost guys, teacher, torch and dragon is ok early on as well of you think are not facing aggros. The odd card i guess would be Flame Blast but is a great removal of big guys like Cirso or Dragons, finisher against controls and site removal sometimes when you cant just tramp over it
If you like test it out and let me know.