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reddit told me influence doesn't exist (top 69 draft masters)

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Hello everyone, this is Alison back with another one of my brews. I took this deck to rank 69 after some testing and I believe it to be a very good deck for climbing and tournament play.

During some online discussions about the amount of fixing available in Throne, I was informed that influence no longer exists in Eternal. I was shocked to learn of this new feature and immediately started creating a deck to take advantage of the new meta that will no doubt be introduced by the surprise balance patch.

In the wake of a new meta, nothing is certain and hence I have decided to play the ever popular "midrange goodstuff" archetype. This deck takes advantage of playing generically good, overstatted units on curve. Cards like ChaCha and ChaCu have lost their drawbacks and are now simply 5/5 Deadly Overwhelm and 5/5 Aegis Flying that buffs your whole board respectively. Other generically good units such as Vara and Ramba are also seen in the deck.

Rost is a very competitive statline as a 5 mana 7/7 with Overwhelm that is hard to permanently remove, but if you are seeing more aggro or midrange mirrors, the Ambush and token generation of Xumucan might be more valuable and thus he is a good replacement for Rost in metas with less control.

In order to avoid being soft to aggro we run lifesteal in the form of Vara over Sandstorm Titan, but as further protection we also have our mandatory 4 Torches as well as Rizahn and Black-Sky Harbinger coming down on 6, both of which are good at stabilizing the board against aggro. Finally, we run some powerful top end in the form of Icaria, Heart of the Vault and 2 copies of Azindel Revealed, which allows us to go over almost any other midrange deck. Some people think Heart of the Vault has been severely weakened by the nerf to 7 cost and if you do not believe in it, I think Zal Chi is a fine replacement for it as well.

In the Market we run some familiar cards. First of all, there is the standard Kairos pick. While he is too greedy to run maindeck, having him as a win condition that outvalues almost anything else in the game is just too powerful, especially in the mirror when games go long.

Second of all we have Royal Decree, which serves a variety of purposes, allowing us to snipe combo decks or take away opponent Harsh Rules whilst giving us information about their hand.

Sword of Unity is a great pickup against aggro and with the huge statlines of our units, putting it on practically any unit will win the game in very short order.

Howling Peak is our site, it serves as a removal card against anything with 5 health or less, and because all our cards are such big, high value units, we will make good use of the Mirror Image. Do not underestimate Kaleb's Favor either, it is quite good for getting the power you need to reach 7 for Icaria or 8 for Azindel.

Lastly we have a Granite Waystone in the Market to avoid being power screwed. This deck cannot afford to be too greedy with its power base or it will be too clunky to survive so it's important to have undepleted power in market to smooth out the curve.

That's all for now, feel free to comment with any suggestions for future changes to the take, I am still in the process of tuning and testing it so it may change as time goes by.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3 3 5 2

Power Sources

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
9 17 27

Card Types
41 1 9 1 28

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Into Shadow [Set1004]

Control Midrange

December 9, 2019


Eternal Version
The Flame of Xulta

BBCode For Comments

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JDboi Eternal Version: 1.49
As of today, Nightmare Prism exists and this could hypothetically exist.
334534346734534534 Edited Eternal Version: 1.47.9
I'm all for 'joke' decks but can we not upvote obviously useless decks thanks?

>I got this to rank 69

Yes we get it, le reddit troll deck.

To anyone who is new at this game. Do not make this deck, it's a total waste of shiftstone... it's not a serious deck by any means.

Thanks for forcing me to log in after 2½ years just to warn other players.
334534346734534534 Edited Eternal Version: 1.47.9
Ok wow... with the inclusion of a new 1-cost Relic card "Nightmare Prism" [Cards you draw lose their influence cost] (it's not on this site yet) in the latest expansion. This has gone from a stupidly bad deck, to something that may work with a bit of tweaking. :hmm:
ESKan Eternal Version: 1.47.9
Ugh, another legendary greedpile I cannot afford. I replaced Icaria with Silverwing Commander and the granite waystone with a Lingering Influence, but I still haven't won my first win of the day pack.
sto650 Eternal Version: 1.47.9
It's a joke deck.
darasirous Eternal Version: 1.47.9
how i can play with this deck for only red inlfuence
Elric Eternal Version: 1.47.9
not only red influence, but also Royal Decree in the market !!!
thewamts Eternal Version: 1.47.9
If you're having problems with the influence, you can cut a Fire Sigil for a Fire Sigil.
link123 Eternal Version: 1.47.9
Great deck xD
Kaelos Eternal Version: 1.47.9
This deck is highly competitive and allowed me to win the Miss America pageant. Think Sword of Unity was pretty clutch as the judges mistook both it and Stand Together for patriotism when I intended a protest of our legal system's oppressive tyranny. Still, free tiara--can't complain.
DonProots Eternal Version: 1.47.9
throll deck xD
Ninjacan Edited Eternal Version: 1.47.9
throll dheck xxD
Comment Deleted
Ninjacan Eternal Version: 1.47.9
I was skeptical at first but wow, this deck is insane. I went 32-0 from silver to masters, thank you for the list!

The only change I made was replacing the granite waystone since I am morally opposed to the treatment of grenadin on myria. I went with an amber waystone, I like having the incidental lifegain that comes with it