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Kerendon rises again! (Feat. bae Azindel)

Expedition Deck By


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There was once upon a time that Kerendon was the boogeyman in the Expedition format. The midrange/control grind deck that made people groan in the EXP format as it often beat aggro decks by stonewalling them and even grinded out the other control decks. The name of the game was to outvalue people with cards like Diana, Faith's Shield, Rolant, Iron Tyrant, Inquisitor Makto, Moonstone Vanguard, and board sweep you or reset with Equalize.

While not as powerful as that deck, the idea for this deck is the same in principle. Azindel, Mastermind is an insane card that is the very definition of value. The high roll potential is very high by ripping cards off the top likeDavia, Azurebreaker, Valiant Guardian, or even just removal spells from the opponent. Added on with some cards like Steyer's Eyes, Desert Marshal, Ambitious Mandevilla, and others to get us value to hopefully outlast or disrupt our opponent.

Since Steyer's Eyes needs fodder and Collapse is the best removal spell in the format, there is a discard synergy in the deck with cards like Send a Message. Even ditching units isn't that bad most of the time since Sinister Rumors or Argenport Heirloom can pick them back up for round 2.

Market is largely still in work, but has been working well. Arach/Fall to ruin for aggro, Waxing Moon for control, Vara as a big finisher, and Speaking circle as value/fish for relic removal. Other options include Reappropriator for relic hate or D'Angolo Might for raw card advantage (Might better than Moon). Devour might also work better main than Exploit to gas up and eat Moldermuck 1/1s, but Exploit just straight up wins you games sometimes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 3

Power Sources
11 13 13 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
39 13 15

Card Types
29 1 24 1 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Hour of Glass [Set1115]


July 23, 2021


Eternal Version
Hour of Glass

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