This is a revision of a previous
Shadow Moment deck that I used around TOP 500 last month.
This time I have been playing this for the last week and it took me for around TOP 300 to TOP 100. (Proof:
The changes are: 3 Subvert removed , added 1 Xenan Augury and added 2 Azindel's Gift. I am having a hell lot of fun with this one and it works very well with the current meta.
I decided to give it a go and it's had like a less than 40% win rate. Opening hands are rough as and you easily get colour screwed, the deck has a hard time dealing with more than one aegis creature and it easily gets run over by agro. Clearly I'm missing something about how this is so amazing and strong because I just get frustrated at how clunky it feels.
But, I should have told you that this is probably not a good deck to run in Gold/Diamond levels. Most of my wins last sessions where against other players in masters, and that is how I ended in #35. Against Diamond1 players the deck did had a lower win rate (probably close to 40% as you wrote). My bad for not telling you this.