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Cradle of Creation - a strange idea that i had

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




This is a different take on a Calderan Cradle deck, with new cards from Defiance.

I've been trying to make a cradle deck work for a while and while it still doesn't, this version is pretty fun.
As you can see, there are no cradles in the main deck and that's because I'm experimenting with smugglers, like Howling Peak Smuggler, to make it more consistent.

While i was searching for a low cost drop, i noticed a new Grenadin, Research Assistant, and i tought it was a pretty nice fixer, as i have a lot of 3 costs double primal cards.
Then I realized that with the power of adding Time influence if needed i could splash some of it in the black market and what better cards to do it than Curiox, Insatiable Seeker (sinergy with Cradle, a free spell, card draw) and Moment of Creation (when you can cast this you'll usually have 8+ spells in your graveyard)?

Simple but effective combo: Softfoot Burglar + Plunder = 3 spells + 3 cantrips
Plunder is also useful when you have a rekless Hotblood Barbarian or Acquisitive Crow and you don't want to attack with them.

Things I'm not sure about:
Banner as 5th market slot - maybe i don't
need that much mana fixing;
Number of merchants - maybe 6, maybe 8, still haven't decided
Number of Phoenixes - it's a removal magnet, but when it stays is a damn powerhouse. I often find myself sending it to the market though

Suggestions are welcome.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
16 3 12 9 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
22 25 18 2

Card Types
26 4 24 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


December 14, 2018


Eternal Version

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