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Argenport Midrange is dead, long live Shadowport Midrange

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Remember Argenport Midrange?
It's still good!

I never really liked the more justice focused AP Mid decks, and there's just something satisfying about throwing huge threats at your opponent until they stop moving.

Marionette Cross is sick, it can be kind of iffy in multiples but that doesn't come up that often and you only really need one for the purposes of the card. Also, curving Marionette Cross into Inquisitor's Blade is great.

I've been really happy with Blackhall Warleader. It either eats removal which makes your later game haymakers more likely to survive, or connects and buffs all your dudes as you draw them, which is great utility for a 2-drop. Not to mention it can be picked up off of Tavrod, Auric Broker and played as a cheap threat later in the game.
(All that stuff is still true, I just found that dealing with Sandstorm Titans was really essential and I needed more ways to deal with it, and Blackhall Warleader almost never ended up being a card that won the game for me, even if it was a decent removal magnet.)

Sheriff Marley is a great card for generating hard to deal with units to carry weapons, and is a great body on her own. She does a great job of shoring up some of the problems the deck can tend to have with drawing nothing but weapons with nothing to play them on.

Tavrod, Auric Broker is still great, hits on Minotaurs sometimes and almost always grabs a weapon, and it's still just a big boi. If he sticks on the board for a few turns it's pretty hard to lose.

I decided against Auric Interregator, which may have been a mistake, but I felt it was just kind of mediocre most of the time and there were better options.

The deck's been doing fantastic for me, and if you're into Midrange definitely try it out.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3

Power Sources
15 20 12 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 24 20 12

Card Types
20 16 12 0 27

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


September 28, 2018

August 16, 2018


Eternal Version
Card and bug fixes, onboarding campaign changes

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) September 28, 2018



rtrnofdmax Eternal Version: 1.38
I was wondering why Marleys instead of Rakano Sheriffs?
Catduit Edited Eternal Version: 1.38
The main reason I play Marley is for the aegis, and I don't think Sheriff provides the same kind of value I'm trying to get out of that slot.
If you want to try Sheriff out though go ahead, it's got some cool stuff going on with Tavrod what with being a minotaur and all.