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Vargo Hojan Silverwing Pledge

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Building a deck around Vargo Redclaw was long on my to do list.
Sweepers like Harsh Rule and The Fall of the Spire are obvious additions.

Vargo doesn't like damage and doesn't survive deadly. I tried to build a deck boosting him with weapons but that turned out unreliable.
I found Valiant Leap and Gravity Field do a good job keeping him alive and avoiding deadly non-flying blockers.

Since two Vargos are better than one I added 6 copy unit effects from Mirror Image and Living Reflection.
These copy spells also work excellently with Hojan, Crownbreaker which also provides a good life buffer sustaining until I have Vargo out rampaging.

Having 6 sweepers I usually cast one in round 5 or 6. To survive until there and exhaust the opponent's removals I chain cast Replicator Engine and Carnivorous Yearling either as blockers or if possible to attack (great with Gravity Field out). This also allows me to keep the number of units in the deck to just 23 so that I can add more spells.
To further slow down the opponent until I cast sweepers I added two Eye of Winter which puts pressure on the opponent to put all creatures he has on the table.

As Vargo has Pledge I was adding Silverwing Courier as secondary killing condition. To make sure I was pledging in first round I had to add four Bear Guard Bayonet who synergize greatly with Hojan, Crownbreaker, three Gunrunner and one Acantha's Outrider (not good, but didn't have options). 16 Pledge cards mean 83% likelihood to have at least one of them on an opening hand with 7 cards. So the condition for Silverwing's invulnerability is usually given. This also reliably assures I find the two or three Justice I need for the sweepers until round 5.

The deck could benefit from a bit more power reliability but it's doing ok with the scout effects from the 6 crests.
Lastly, I added a few Display of Honor, which can recover life on a Vargo or Silverwing, trigger Hojan's ultimate, or remove threats.

I am still looking how include some relic hate without breaking any of the other mechanics.
Let me know if you have some proposal.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3 2

Power Sources
13 14 14 14

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
14 16 34

Card Types
23 7 20 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Homecoming [Set1005]
Valley Beyond [Set1125]
Enter the Arcanum [Set1135]


February 13, 2023


Eternal Version
Behemoths of Thera

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WinterWolf1297 Eternal Version: 23.12.06
Korovyat Palace seems like a natural fit.