The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
the reason i started on this deck was the combo of slow to see thier hand(and increase something) but then you know if you want to sabotage/varas choice or not
Yeah, not a bad idea! I've been playing this deck on gold ladder with 1x Solitude rather than the Nametaker because I don't own it, and so far it has actually been performing quite well! The only problems I've found with the deck so far are running out of steam around turn 5 or 6 and also having trouble keeping up on the board in some aggro matchups. Other than that, I really like the doubling effects in this deck and I will be doing some more testing today. Thanks for the list!
Alright so this deck took me from halfway to gold 3 to halfway to gold 2 after about 15 games or so. I only made two changes: the one listed above and I changed the two copies of Corrupt to copies of Lunar Magus as I wasn't running into very many targetted spells but rather a lot of minion heavy decks. The added 3 drop helps better fill out the curve, adds a little card draw with the nightfall on summon, helps with survivability against aggro and/or burn with the heal for 4, and is complete with a 2/4 body, which is very helpful with early trades in aggro matchups. I would encourage you to make the same change, unless you tend to run into more spell-heavy decks in your rank, contrary to the aggro meta I tend to find myself in. I will try to continue testing this deck, updating the list where I see fit, and informing you! Cheers.