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Skycrag Aggro (Top 50)

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




Hi there! So I wanted to share this post-nerfs Skycrag list; considering that the deck could fight Rakano well before the changes that gave us Diplomatic Seal and Pyroknight, now I think there's a real possibility that it's one of the strongest decks in Expedition. Most of the cards are self-explanatory so I'll just discuss some things I feel need talking about:

Eager Deputy: I really dislike this card; it's a mediocre one drop and horrible the later the game goes on, but the early plunder is too valuable to pass up in a deck that lives and dies on smoothly curving out.
Furyblade: this isn't in the deck because it's a trap and is actually pretty awful. This is a slow speed Char that damages you, and the upside of giving Kazuo, Melee Virtuoso one bonus attack sometimes is not worth it. I see it in Skycrag and Stonescar lists quite often, but it has yet to impress me.
Tota Pioneer, Fire Symbol and Tattoo Dragon: one of the things that sticks out about the list is that there's no Tota Pioneer. The card is obviously good, and great for giving you the extra damage to close out games, so what gives?
IMO there are two ways to build Skycrag right now: one of them is like this, with a Blazing Salvo market and an emphasis on being fast over packing reach options. The other is to build with a Fire Etchings market, and pack more reach with Obliterate in the market. I'm not sure which is better, mostly because I haven't tested an etchings market properly yet, but I don't think Pioneer is fitting for the Salvo versions. There's probably a version of the deck that wants Pioneer and probably wants Symbols to turn on the market access faster and tattoo dragon instead of Siege Train.

Anyhow, if you feel like beating people's faces in in Expedition try it out and see what you think!

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
18 11 8 4

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
13 22 32 4

Card Types
34 4 17 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Whispers of the Throne [Set1085]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]


August 11, 2020


Eternal Version
Argent Depths

BBCode For Comments

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AggroWins Edited Eternal Version: 20.11.04
This seems like the only build in the game that can consistently crush Sling decks. Looks like a lot more people will be playing this once they realize it. The only changes I made were Backlash and Slag in the Market.
241ackerman Eternal Version: 20.08.10
playing this deck gave me a nose bleed... in a good way.
BHV Eternal Version: 20.08.10
Gives your opponents nosebleeds too
smokinadoobs Eternal Version: 20.08.10
Loved playing with your Argenport list from a few weeks ago, this one feels great too.

I just make sure to check the power base — the Argenport list only had 3 Insignias :D was very funny to see a bunch of your deck in the top 64 of the Throne Challenge with 3
BHV Edited Eternal Version: 20.08.10
Wait...that might be because I pulled one premium insignia, so I have the 3 from the campaign and one from packs? If so, that's hilarious!
Update: it has 4 insignias and 3 seats, maybe that's why you got confused?
smokinadoobs Eternal Version: 20.08.10
Maybe it’s bugged on my screen? This looks like 3 Insignias to me
BHV Eternal Version: 20.08.10
No, it appears that it was my laptop that's bugged, bc I see the same thing as you on mobile. Huh.
leejtr Eternal Version: 20.08.10
I played a few games and it's disturbingly fast ! Thanks
Omiwins Eternal Version: 20.08.10
I see you switched to a FTP snowball hurling deck .. we just faced each other on the ladder :)
leejtr Edited Eternal Version: 20.08.10
Yes we did. That was a rollercoaster of a match. that's LordPerth's Mother's Burden list. Also very good and alot of fun. I think he will post the updated version soon. Have a look out for it
BHV Eternal Version: 20.08.10
Glad you liked it!