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Big Sentinels (First Deck, Noob needs help...)

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




Hi there,

I'm pretty new to the game (4 days, I got some experience in Magic, also tested Hearthstone for a while, but I considered it to be to random/luck-based for me). So I forged my first deck now. I got the idea from a draft, where I fetched Ancient Defenses and a Pillar of Amar, which worked pretty good together. So I toyed a bit with the idea and this is what I came up with.

Early Game: Ramp, ignore what my opponent is doing. Maybe chump block with Voice of the Speaker.
Midgame: Drop a Sandstorm Titan or Monolith Guardian to have blockers.
Late Game: Drop more big Sentinels. Pillar of Amar and Infused Guardian have Empower, which works with Voice of the Speaker and Powerbreach Sentinel. Together with Moonstone Vanguard, we should have card and/or power advantage and win the game sooner or later.

Works pretty okay so far. I win most of my ranked matches... ...on the other hand, I am still in bronze, so that probably doesn't mean to much. So I think, there is still room for improvements.

1. Do you need disruption like Torch in Eternal? I don't know, if I go 0 or 4...
2. Did I miss some good Sentinels?
3. Are there more effective ways to ramp?
4. Can this color combination deal with big creatures? I had this game, where my opponent had a green unit with 64/64 (empore: double stats). I managed to win it somehow, because my opponent made a mistake, but half of the game I asked myself: "How do I deal with this?"
5. Is Magus of Celerity a good card? On the one hand, it doesn't do to much for this deck and has no real synergies. I just included it to test it. But everytime I played it, I won the match and it was awesome. So at the moment, I am thinking about playing more and cutting other cards...
6. Anything else I missed? Any suggestions?

Comments and critizism are welcome. I need to learn this game and don't know anything about the meta and stuff.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3

Power Sources
14 22 8

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
29 21 11 2

Card Types
35 8 6 0 28


December 17, 2018


Eternal Version

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Deck URL



Boviatt Edited Eternal Version: 1.42
Hey, so I'm not the best at eternal, I've been playing for a few months now and I may be able to help with some tips that helped me. You can always utilize the reddit for questions. There is also a discord and plenty of content from the current players.

First off look for a budget warcry deck like this one Deck

Look at the builders description, these budgets win against most decks because they are cheap, most cards under 4 power and its only two colors so it's not hard to get what you need your first hand to start playing things. Torch is used a lot because any 3 health unit is dealt with fast and cheap. Then Vanquish is used for any big hitters that have over 4 attack. So that big guy you were dealing with would have been taken out for 2 power.

As for the Magus of Celerity works well with some decks not sure about sentinels I used him in this deck. Gauntlet clearing deck

It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish, and what cards are available to you. Because Defiance just came out the meta isn't exactly steady, I'm waiting for the pros to start working out combos and decks. Being new youre minda limited to what's really going to be top tier. But there are many budget decks that will help you get there.

As for your deck I mean you are working with what is available to you. When I first saw it I thought, it's kind of all over the place
Sentinels have great support to bring them out search some sentinel decks and you can see what others have built. Like this one...

Watch twitch streamers for eternal you can learn some valuable deck ideas and play styles.