This is the deck that I took to masters this month. It's a standard
Shepherd's Horn +
Flamestoker +
Dawnwalker combo deck that is heavy on card draw and utility. It stabilizes often against agro and midrange, and it leaves control and combo decks in the dust with card advantage. Sometimes it closes out games in 6 turns due to a nut draw of burn, other games it simply just outlasts everything the opponent can throw at you and you end the game with 100+ life. 25% of the deck is to gain or maintain card advantage. 25% of the deck is units above 5 power to enable combos. The few cards that do not combo or provide cards are over-budgeted (torch, sst).
Shepherd's Horn +
Flamestoker +
Dawnwalker - The main combo of the deck. Dawnwalkers trigger the horn when they are resurrected, and Flamestoker makes that happen every turn. Once you get these pieces down, you are extremely resistant to removal and gaining at least 3 life per turn per piece of the combo. It's not unusual to have 2 horns 2 stokers and a few dawnwalkers bouncing back and fourth from the void, giving you life-gain that some decks simply cant outrace. Rarely can an opponent punch through once I've stabilized the board with these cards.
Shatterglass Mage - My secret MVP of the deck. She's got 5 power to bring back dawnwalkers. She's got overwhelm to trigger horn procs. She tempo swings decks that run permafrost for early stabilization (people LOVE to permafrost dawnwalkers). She's an I WIN card against all those mask, plate and temporal decks. AND you can warp her in to do all of this maintaining card advantage. Eventually I just started running 4 of these, as nothing really compares to the utility that she brings, and she fits into the deck's combos flawlessly.
Obliterate - At first I was running just 1 or 2 of these but the synergy with the horn was just too good, and I upped it to 4. 1 horn turns an obliterate into a 4 cost, deal 6 damage gain 3 life... 2 horns turns it into a 3 cost deal 6 damage gain 6 life. This card helps stabalize the board like no other.
Heart of the Vault - getting a 2 cost obliterate or worldbearer from the extra card draw when you have a horn down is simply insane, no one expects an obliterate for 2 cost.
Ancient Lore - the latest addition to the deck. a little heavy cost wise early game but landing a +1 on the many beefy units is worth it, and late game simply pure joy to top deck these.
Cards that got cut but tested A LOT:
Initiate of the Sands - more the half the times i drop this card it's immediately removed. this deck tries to force the opponent into using removal wastefully, and this card gives the opponent something meaningful to remove. Top decking this card late-game is painfully useless.
Friendly Wisp - i expected this card to do better in the deck, but rarely do I get to trigger it's ability. Late game it takes an entire extra turn to proc.
Ancient Lore was much better
Cinder Yeti - i really wanted this card to fit but it doesn't proc dawnwalkers, and the exhaust ability was only used for popping aegis. Late game they can be 1 cost or even free, and procs the horn but they just don't help that much at that point. Early game they get run over just as fast as the temple scribes. Cuttnig these made room for the set of
Shatterglass Mage.
Purify - no synergy with any of the deck, provides no card advantage and isn't very useful late game.
Obliterate took it's place
Xenan Initiation - similar to the friendly wisps, I really wanted this to fit into the deck. Landing this on a dawnwalker, and having him return all game sounds very powerful, but in practice it was so rare to happen, and the dawnwalkers return exhausted that it just wasn't that useful.
Obliterate simply did more.
Slightly altered it like this:
-1 seek power, -1 Ancient Lore, -1 Obliterate, -1 Shatterglas Mage, -1 Flamestoker
+1 Amaran Shoveler, +3 Purify, +1 Great-Kiln Titan
Considering adding a second Amaran Shoveler. Especially since the deck has a good amount of warp, relic, sentinel, scout cards its very easy and cheap to make this card work.
I think purify is just too strong and important to not use. Great against makto, scream, xenan decks and also 1 more handy removal against aggro.
Currently a bit low on dust for last copy of Flamestoker and Great-Kiln Titan fit the best ot of the once I had.
Good: 3 or more power and a horn/stoker is a very strong starting hand. Keep that. With a horn down, the whole deck, except for 8 cards, costs 4 power.
Bad: 2 or less power, unless it's 2+ horns and 2+ dawnwalkers (which will happen sometimes, have fun.)