So the first thing I should say is that I love Gunslingers. They're pure and simply a lot of fun but the problem with them has always been that they just dont fit in the ranked/competitive scene, however that is about to change.
I'd previous been a bit lazy this month and hadn't bothered to rank but I just played this and ranked from Gold 3 to Gold 1 without much difficulty. Again this probably wont get you into Masters but if your looking to get to Diamond and have fun doing it then this could be for you.
If you've ever played as an Orc in an RPG or in Warhammer then you've pretty much got this strategy down. Hulk SMASH is pretty much the aim. We have 8 cards in this deck that will give every unit and weapon in the deck at least +1/+1 when they attack and due to low unit costs its quite simple to play this as an aggro deck early and if they're still alive in the late game you can be dropping 10/10's with ease.
Give this deck a go and let me know what you think!