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Owl Mask Mill

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Looking for a fun deck that can do crazy thing? Look no more.

Featuring enough healing/early game to survive aggro, and the win condition of win conditions (minus heralds!) - ramp like crazy, drain some cards, and spawn some owls.

Power is the toughest part of this deck due to the lack of crests, but it seems to sport enough of a win rate to make it worth playing.

Let me know what you think!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
16 13 12 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 20 24 14

Card Types
20 8 22 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


February 25, 2018


Eternal Version
Draft Changes

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asialone Eternal Version: 1.31
Just found your deck while I was looking for some comparisons to one I have built and I have to say I really like what you have done here. I would really like your opinion on XoUcUvhAjAI At the moment Eternal is updating and while I have not been playing long enough to have all the cards your build has I intend to make as much as possible when were up and run some variants. It looks like some very strategic planning. Excellent. Also your Feaster Maiden deck -forgot the name sorry- is a true burden to defeat. Well done.
Randygonzo Eternal Version: 1.29
I had been wanting to try something with mask of torment so when I came across thia deck I tried it on ladder for about a dozen games and it's pretty neat. I like the strategy of stalling with life gain and the possible milling win condition. It's something different and fresh from all the usual aggro/midrange/control decks out there.
rboll2 Eternal Version: 1.28.7
Had to post, this deck is SUPER fun. Tanks for sharing it, have only played about 6 games so not making any changes yet. Will let you know if I tweek it some and how it works.
ItsTheFark Eternal Version: 1.28.7
So glad to hear it! I added in a couple setbacks and swapped a seat of vengence for a justice sigil... but aside from that nothing crazy. Let me know!
NiamsteR Eternal Version: 1.28.7
ItsTheFark Eternal Version: 1.28.7
:) Perfect. Also, if you do enjoy the deck, please give it a thumbs up so others have a better chance of seeing it!
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chaostehjace Edited Eternal Version: 1.28.7
Just went up against another version of Mask, they were running Ancient Bauble, Beckoning Lumen and Desert Marshals which worked really well against me. Possibly instead of the mill package, but the card draw from Beckoning Lumen was absurd.
ItsTheFark Eternal Version: 1.28.7
Yeah. It's the main difference between midranged mask and control mask I think. Problem is that yeah, his version will do better against you, but falls flat against aggro. It's not about tailoring the deck to specific matchups but to the ladder as a whole. Regardless, glad you are trying the deck. Hope you enjoy it.
chaostehjace Eternal Version: 1.28.7
Made the last mask and magus. Have managed to get two opponents under 10 cards in library with dreamsnatcher sitting at 27 power. Still really fun. Also nothing like top decking mask with 24 mana available. still really fun to play. Had to concede 3 games so far to absolutely unplayable hands after mull. The pieces fall together wonderfully, I am finding it hard to misplay but I love control naturally.
ItsTheFark Eternal Version: 1.28.7
I feel the same way, Whipping out a 6 owl parliament the turn after a big combrei deck plays two owls is really fun for me. Let me know if you make any changes - I'm curious! Thanks for trying the deck.
chaostehjace Eternal Version: 1.28.7
I haven't felt anything NEEDs changing, aside from Please Make Crests For All Color Combinations. Solitude is a card I look forward to playing, but I won't cast it for any mill under 10... it sits in my hand a lot but when I cast it it makes dreamsnatcher a nightmare for my opponent. I wish Dreamsnatchers ability wasn't an ultimate, then you could conceive milling someone for the win. I had played Moondial in a Temporal Distortion control deck but I always felt like giving my opponent the draw was too bad for me. In this deck I recover enough life that i really don't care what they are doing, short of running into Highwaymen and dying in 4 turns.
chaostehjace Eternal Version: 1.28.7
I tried this out, I am missing one mask of torment and 2 Lunar magus, but i replaced them Worldbearer Behemoth for now. Went up against aggro, they got me really low really fast I was able to stabilize with two devoted theurge and the Magus. Opponent conceded when I went from 6 life up to 17 in one turn. I like this list, I am going to do more testing with it. It's nice to see Mask as a playable card. Costing 5 was really bad.
ItsTheFark Eternal Version: 1.28.7
Awesome! Glad you found success. Let me know what you think as you play it more.