Just a Hooru Fliers list that performed quite well in the last two days.
I was feeling like playing that archetype again and it seems that this evasive unit approach works well at the moment. Flying units in itself need to be removed or can start a race quite well. I do not recall encountering many decks with board wipes, not even Armoory which I guess could pose quite a problem. Our good boy Tavrod needs to be dealt with through Vanquishes or Enforcers, otherwise you're better off being aggressive yourself and having chump blockers. Elysian and Praxis can be a problem with Obelisk but on ladder there's no way to tech in Vision obviously, when encountering them more often I guess I would cut attachments for Eilyn's Choices, though I would appreciate hints on teching there because I am not sure about teching on ladder. Aggro can of course be a problem but I guess if the uprise of Rally Queen after the ETS decreases until end of month ceases we may be ok positioned against other Stonescar aggro decks as long as we draw units.