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[1st time Master] Manacle Mill

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




This deck requires a good understanding of what you can draw and when can your cards be usefull. Your wincondition is the damage from Black Iron Manacles, which is pretty consistent if you play around cards like Vision of Austerity, Disjunction and Passage of Eons. It is also very possible to deck someone later in a game with a few Solitudes.

An early Black Iron Manacles ensures consistent damage during the game and almost gives you the win if you draw a couple of mill cards afterwards. Also getting the Spitefeeders out early gives your Solitude a good boost to even be used with enough value on turn 6. And don't be afraid to use the Spitefeeders as early blockers, you can get them back with Shadowlands Guide during the game.

Stonepowder Alchemist gives your deck decent lifegain and gives your deck extra draw.

Cull the Deck and Quarry give good deck thinning and control over what you draw, like the the crests do.

Steward of the Past in the market can work really well against aggro and/or scream decks.

Let me know what you think and comment if you have good tips!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 2

Power Sources
11 13 18 16

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
12 23 31 4

Card Types
20 4 30 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]

Control Combo

October 5, 2018

September 21, 2018


Eternal Version
Card and bug fixes, onboarding campaign changes

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



rocketshot Eternal Version: 1.38
My experience is different I have had some great games and of course,
some not so great games.Like any other deck it does take practice to win with this deck.
I have won most games without even casting Solitude and a lot of the games are very close.
But this deck is very draw dependent and unforgiving if you make a bad play.Still I do find it
a lot of fun to play!
Thanks for posting it!
MonkeyFight Eternal Version: 1.38
Thank you for your feedback! It is a heavy draw dependent deck, but the main reason is to have some fun with it. I'm glad you won a lot of games and you are having fun with it!
InWaking Eternal Version: 1.38
This deck is so bad I had to make an account just out of the sheer sadness that I wasted shiftstone to make it, so I could save other people from making the same mistake.
It seriously looked fun and it's my fault for assuming it would be. I have played several games with it and not once have I come close to casting Solitude and I have just gotten my face smashed in repeatedly.
MonkeyFight Eternal Version: 1.38
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with this deck! I did not intend to make the deck look really good, since it isn't. I got this to master since the meta in diamond was really greedy and I could capitalize on that with this deck. But if you have any other constructive feedback I would like to hear it!
InWaking Eternal Version: 1.38
You’re right I was being a baby. I just expected to have fun playing it and I didn’t. It’s all good I hadn’t played it again since my tantrum but I’ll play some more and see if I can be actually helpful with suggestions instead of whining.