So, here's my take on an oni-Tribal. I had it lying around for some time, but the new Promo encouraged me to finish it and Show it to the world.
Some people may Splash Justice in here for some removal and an
Ijin's Workshop , but I like being mono-F here. And as you may See, I didn't include any Merchant. They are able to get the silver bullet, but they don't synergize with any of the tribal support in this Deck.
The top-end of this Deck are
Ghodan, Undefeated and
Shingane Captain. Both are good bodies with charge and potential upside. Ghodan can give you pretty good card-advantage if she sticks for a turn, the Captain gives extra-value if something stuck at least one turn.
I'm not much of a ranked player, so I can't tell you how good it is on ladder, but in Casual it's been kinda good. After 7 games I'm 5-2 (ye, Not much of a sample-size, but Hey, every Game had been fun!)