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Build Your Own Sphinx’s Revelation

Gauntlet Deck By


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I really love the magic card Sphinx’s Revelation! But we don’t have an 1 for 1 equivalent so we have to build our own!

Temporal Distortion + Brilliant Idea + Meditative Trance = draw X cards and gain X life at instant speed.

The rest of the deck is a strange mix of Wincons, card draw, and answers. This deck basically has two different markets one accessible with Celestial Omen and another by Supply Cache.

Prodigious Sorcery works with a lot of things in the deck but is a great win when you cast it at instant speed and get back a double damage Channel the Tempest.

I have only ever played this in Gauntlet and I have a fairly decent win rate. The life gain helps you get back in the game and stay out of reach of burn spells/relics when you stabilize. Invoke the Waystones is just a weird card and I was bored. But it can be replaced by literally anything else.

One more thing I regularly Ice Bolt my own Lumen Reclaimer it’s really important to get those copies in your deck so you can reuse all of the silver bullets.

Hope you enjoy!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
4 4 4

Power Sources
13 12 18 16

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Deck Rarities
5 14 50 4

Card Types
2 10 41 0 27

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
The Devouring [Set1145]


August 30, 2024


Eternal Version
Separate Ways

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