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Gotta Go Fast

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




This was the last iteration of the deck I used to get to Masters this chapter. There were a few things that were in flux, particularly in the Market, as I was trying to climb that I’ll make note of.

Other similar decks liked Flamestoker in the Market, but I just found it too costly and too easy to deal with. (It’s not hard to find something on the ground with 6+ health.) I eventually settled on Phoenix Stone as a similar and somewhat cheaper alternative, but I didn’t play it more than a handful of times. I liked it better than Flamestoker but I’m not sure it’s right in the slot.

Kaleb’s Intervention was another Market experiment that I’m not 100% sure shouldn’t just be Bore. I wanted some relic destruction and I wanted something cheap that gave Overwhelm. It worked ok for that, but might just be better as something else.

In the main deck, I wanted something that could help against beefy midrange decks that tend to just be an auto loss. Ankle Cutter started there but ended up just living in the Market. Teleport is there now and it’s not bad at its job. It also doubles as a way to bounce your Charge guys during a board wipe to try and keep some pressure on. It’s doing ok, but the problem of big units supported by fast ramp hasn’t really gone away yet. Feel free to experiment in the slot.

The last main deck inclusion that has been valuable to me is Venom Rider. Other decks seem to prefer more expensive units in this slot, like Heart of the Vault, but Venom Rider’s ability to double as both Charge damage and focused removal of large units has been the best addition I made to the deck. Keep this one in if you can.

Overall, I think this deck is pretty well positioned for the meta that I was climbing in, but it’s very easy to see how this deck gets shut down if it becomes too prevalent. A shift towards more board control, and the deck will probably go down hard. So, take it with a grain of salt, but enjoy playing some fun aggro while you can! Good luck on your climb!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
20 17 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
30 11 16 14

Card Types
32 6 17 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


February 5, 2019


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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