I humbly present my most stoic of Meditations on the subject of the card Crystalline Chalice in the 2080 Vikrum Samvat of our lord and saviour the almighty Vishnu, praise be his reign.
The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
I observe a lack of healing, but my memory is of running a 1/4 flying lifesteal endurance and a 1/5 deadly with etb: +5 life. So maybe I'm not acclimated to the defensive strategy presented here.
Further, with all the "cost less" effects, this feels rather like combo. It doesn't seem very good at gumming up the board (no flying) and it doesn't seem very reactive (permafrost, marshal, and ... units?). Maybe building toward a combo mindset would be more appropriate, given how little interaction this version plays.
Edit: I've reasoned out some changes here, let me know which ones you've considered and/or tested. https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/3ldcXZo_cGA/samvat-chalice-with-wasp
Save the Day seems like it would help with evasive units.
Further, with all the "cost less" effects, this feels rather like combo. It doesn't seem very good at gumming up the board (no flying) and it doesn't seem very reactive (permafrost, marshal, and ... units?). Maybe building toward a combo mindset would be more appropriate, given how little interaction this version plays.
Edit: I've reasoned out some changes here, let me know which ones you've considered and/or tested. https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/3ldcXZo_cGA/samvat-chalice-with-wasp
Is Nahid's Distilation necessary with all the access to Chalice?