Hello all, this is an aggro deck attempting to utilize Dran's powerful bolster ability. I'm also a sucker for Praxis Adept, so we're trying to utilize her too. Overall, it is a go-wide strategy, trying to have an explosive first four turns. I'll break down the ideas behind the individual card choices below.
Dran, Not Backing Down - A potentially very powerful card, and good even if he only triggers once. He also has over-the-top synergy with Grumbo, Tota Legend. Other cards that trigger bolster are Furyblade, Ossuar Longbow, and Praxis Painting.
Praxis Adept - Leads to a lot of very fast starts. Playing a Malaga Amphitheater on T2 for example leads to a total of four more power to spend that turn after Dashing Maneuver on the Adept. Ossuar Longbow can also played to buff her on T3. Even Grove Supplier -> attack for one -> another two-drop is a potential play. There is also good synergy with Auralian Supplier as Adept lets you play your hand faster or potentially drop supplier on T2.
Kid, Grove's Heart - She has been performing quite well in this deck as it is a go-wide strategy. In addition, there are three different three drops with charge to activate her the turn after playing her. She's still been strong even without the activation, though.
Everything else shouldn't really need explanation. Ive had a lot of success with the list so far. Comments and suggestions are welcome as always.