Disclaimer : I brewed this list the last day of the tournament after a week of agonizing over what to or not to play in the event, so I won't have a full confidence in my choices. I would like to thank every content creator (mainly Sunyveil for FECast, if you haven't, go check it out, it's awesome) that helped me gather enough view points and data to brew this list.
So yeah, Hooru hatebears. My understanding of the meta was the following ; Even vox terrorizing everyone while Spellcrag, Ixtun control and fire-based aggro tried to stop him from destroying ladder. And in my mind, the control decks were winning, so I wanted to have a very good matchup against them, so that's why there are Camoni and Svetya int he list. The two-drops are here to have a curve so that Vox makes me sacrifice them instead of the importent ones, Amili is insane against Vox and can't be Ice bolted so I'll have four of that please.
Then Merchants because merchants, both have aegis too wich is very cool, and the face aegis fizzle a Vox trigger ; good times. Enforcer becase it's still insane (and silence ChaCha/Vox/Milos) and Griffin as a flex slot that beats down and pair very well with the aegis threats (and emblems). Edict of Kodosh is ridiculous, it kills everything you care about in this format, and in a very clean way. Savage Denial may seem like the weirdest one but hear me out ; it counters Worthy Cause, wich is the only out that Vox has against an Amili, and it negate the fast spell your opponents can cast during the brief window of opportunity between two Svetya's (they chain together very nicely thanks to Mirror Image).
Market is....awkward. Never fetched yet Eilyn but she seems extremely powerful against Vox and midrange in general. The rest I think is good ; Ice Bolt is a clean answer to about everything (well except Amili jajaja), Decree is still very punishing for slower decks, and good against Vox if it comes to that. Hailstorm is great against aggro and can buy you time and opportunities against Vox. But Palace is the real deal, it's the powerplay that made Hooru over the top before and it's still extremely powerful at destroying opponents.
So that's it, don't hesitate to suggest better choices because the list clearly did require more testing. Great day to you all.
Camoni seems like a great unit in theory. How is he in practice?
Camoni was great, 6/6 endurance beats down really well and the spell-lock clause really puts a halt to your oppoenent's gameplan ; and it left a pretty sizeable body on the way out too, 0/6 is no joke against aggro. Control has a very hard time beating this card, even if they manage to harsh rule your board, it's a turn late and you can lock them on spells again after they do.