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Steamy and Dogmatic version 2.0

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve





Here's an updated version of a deck I posted a little while back:

My alternative name for this deck is Burn the House Down.

Essentially, I added firebombs to the deck through the use of Light the Fuse and Unexpected Results. I think it works a little more consistently than the previous version, and the firebombs make it more fun (to me). The firebombs do add a bit of randomness to the game, but I like them better than using Obliterate, which I removed entirely.

It works like your typical Shavkan Dogma deck; get out Dogma, stall while you build fire influence, then finish things off with either Flashfire or Steam shenanigans. It's a lot of fun, but I don't really think you'll use it to make masters. It can get you to gold, but I just play it for fun.

I'm open to suggestions. The only thing I'm not quite sure about is whether the deck could use one more copy of Unexpected Results. 2 works, but maybe 3 is better. I'll need to test it more.



Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
23 16 14

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
20 25 23 5 4

Card Types
16 8 31 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Stormbreak [Set1107]
Enter the Arcanum [Set1135]


August 24, 2024


Eternal Version
Separate Ways

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



alamat01 Eternal Version: 24.06.19
This looks interesting! Looks like a viable Bomb deck. Love the addition of corrosive dagger to possibly stabilize the board since firebomb decks has few units
leonsaid Eternal Version: 24.06.19
Thanks for the comment. I was thinking of adding Flamebelcher to the market for a little more firebomb power. It'd go well with Salvo since it's a 2-cost unit, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not. Milos, Rebel Bomber is another possibility. He'd possibly draw the opponent's removal since he can be a real problem, maybe making it a little more safe for the Steam Sprite. I feel like there are probably some good tweaks to be made here.

And I love corrosive dagger. It pairs well with the steam cards.
alamat01 Eternal Version: 24.06.19
I've tried the Flamebelcher route and it wasn't good. Shavkan Dogma has made Milos half as good as he was since it prevents enemy life gain. Nomnom & Sashenka might be interesting. +2 life to your units and deals +2 when any enemy unit gets damaged. Xmas came early for decay units!
leonsaid Eternal Version: 24.06.19
I thought Flamebelcher might not be that good in this deck. Sticking the bombs in the bottom half of the deck really isn't great. And you're absolutely right about Milos. I completely forgot about Dogma negating his other ability. I never really considered N&S. That's an interesting idea. I think it might be better as a market card, since the deck is low on units. Maybe take out one of the 5-cost market cards. I'm going to test it out. Thanks for the suggestion!