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League pool - Promises by firelight

Event Deck By

Work in Progress
1 Card icon for Ardent Convert Ardent Convert x1 1 Card icon for Bloodcall Invocation Bloodcall Invocation x1 1 Card icon for Borderlands Lookout Borderlands Lookout x2 1 Card icon for Charchain Flail Charchain Flail x1 1 Card icon for Dark Return Dark Return x1 1 Card icon for Detain Detain x1 1 Card icon for Draw Strength Draw Strength x2 1 Card icon for Edict of Makkar Edict of Makkar x1 1 Card icon for Faceless One Faceless One x2 1 Card icon for Fend Off Fend Off x1 1 Card icon for Icy Gaze Icy Gaze x1 1 Card icon for Lethrai Lobotomy Lethrai Lobotomy x1 1 Card icon for Mettle Mettle x1 1 Card icon for Nahid's Faithful Nahid's Faithful x2 1 Card icon for Oni Patrol Oni Patrol x1 1 Card icon for Peacekeeper's Helm Peacekeeper's Helm x1 1 Card icon for Safe Return Safe Return x1 1 Card icon for Training Ground Training Ground x1 1 Card icon for Weather the Storm Weather the Storm x1 2 Card icon for Acclaimed Artisan Acclaimed Artisan x1 2 Card icon for Ark of Sol Ark of Sol x1 2 Card icon for Barrel Through Barrel Through x1 2 Card icon for Blinkwolf Blinkwolf x1 2 Card icon for Breath of Voprex Breath of Voprex x2 2 Card icon for Chant to Grodov Chant to Grodov x2 2 Card icon for Conservatory Alchemist Conservatory Alchemist x1 2 Card icon for Desperate Gambit Desperate Gambit x2 2 Card icon for Edict of Linrei Edict of Linrei x1 2 Card icon for Eloz's Elite Eloz's Elite x1 2 Card icon for Evelina, Valley Searcher Evelina, Valley Searcher x1 2 Card icon for Felrauk's Choice Felrauk's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Fervent Siphoner Fervent Siphoner x1 2 Card icon for Geminon's Choice Geminon's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Grodov Evangel Grodov Evangel x2 2 Card icon for Herald's Song Herald's Song x1 2 Card icon for High Prophet of Sol High Prophet of Sol x1 2 Card icon for Horde Duelist Horde Duelist x1 2 Card icon for Illumination Wisp Illumination Wisp x1 2 Card icon for Immortalize Immortalize x2 2 Card icon for Intrepid Longhorn Intrepid Longhorn x2 2 Card icon for Kodosh Evangel Kodosh Evangel x1 2 Card icon for Linrei Evangel Linrei Evangel x1 2 Card icon for Malaise Malaise x1 2 Card icon for Mob Rule Mob Rule x1 2 Card icon for Nahid's Choice Nahid's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Oasis Seeker Oasis Seeker x1 2 Card icon for Packbeast Packbeast x1 2 Card icon for Reconnaissance Reconnaissance x1 2 Card icon for Shavka Evangel Shavka Evangel x2 2 Card icon for Skywatch Zealot Skywatch Zealot x1 2 Card icon for Smokedancer Smokedancer x1 2 Card icon for Sodi's Choice Sodi's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Sol's Fury Sol's Fury x1 2 Card icon for Spiketail Qirin Spiketail Qirin x1 2 Card icon for Stand Strong Stand Strong x1 2 Card icon for Teething Whelp Teething Whelp x1 2 Card icon for Tranquil Scholar Tranquil Scholar x1 2 Card icon for Unkindness Unkindness x1 2 Card icon for Wanderlust Qirin Wanderlust Qirin x1 2 Card icon for Wizened Crone Wizened Crone x1 2 Card icon for Worthy Cause Worthy Cause x1 2 Card icon for Xultan Paladin Xultan Paladin x1 2 Card icon for Yeti Gryffyn Rider Yeti Gryffyn Rider x1 3 Card icon for Auric Lookout Auric Lookout x1 3 Card icon for Cirso's Choice Cirso's Choice x1 3 Card icon for Crooked Alleyguide Crooked Alleyguide x1 3 Card icon for Crowd Queller Crowd Queller x2 3 Card icon for Cruelty Cruelty x1 3 Card icon for Determined Stranger Determined Stranger x1 3 Card icon for Draconic Ire Draconic Ire x1 3 Card icon for Eager Offering Eager Offering x1 3 Card icon for Flash Freeze Flash Freeze x1 3 Card icon for Funeral Pyre Funeral Pyre x1 3 Card icon for Gaudy Showman Gaudy Showman x1 3 Card icon for Guard Dog Guard Dog x1 3 Card icon for Hexcaster Hexcaster x1 3 Card icon for Longhorn Treasurer Longhorn Treasurer x1 3 Card icon for Magebreaker Magebreaker x1 3 Card icon for Misery Walker Misery Walker x2 3 Card icon for Proselytize Proselytize x2 3 Card icon for Razorwire Totemite Razorwire Totemite x1 3 Card icon for Saddle Up Saddle Up x1 3 Card icon for Sandcrawler Sandcrawler x1 3 Card icon for Scheme Scheme x1 3 Card icon for Seasoned Drillmaster Seasoned Drillmaster x1 3 Card icon for Shapeshifter's Mask Shapeshifter's Mask x1 3 Card icon for Sorrow's Shroud Sorrow's Shroud x1 3 Card icon for Storm of Feathers Storm of Feathers x1 3 Card icon for Streets Aflame Streets Aflame x1 3 Card icon for Sunset Priest Sunset Priest x2 3 Card icon for Swaying Sea Qirin Swaying Sea Qirin x1 3 Card icon for Torture Torture x2 3 Card icon for Wilderness Refuge Wilderness Refuge x1 3 Card icon for Wisdom of the Elders Wisdom of the Elders x1 3 Card icon for Wretched Raven Wretched Raven x2 4 Card icon for Deathstrike Deathstrike x1 4 Card icon for Fearstoker Raven Fearstoker Raven x1 4 Card icon for Kosul Curator Kosul Curator x1 4 Card icon for Lens of Clarity Lens of Clarity x1 4 Card icon for Lethrai Intimidator Lethrai Intimidator x1 4 Card icon for Pistolwhip Pistolwhip x1 4 Card icon for Relentless Combatant Relentless Combatant x1 4 Card icon for Rent Seeker Rent Seeker x3 4 Card icon for Reverberating Strike Reverberating Strike x2 4 Card icon for Scalechannel Sorcerer Scalechannel Sorcerer x1 4 Card icon for Sky Crew Sky Crew x1 4 Card icon for Stalwart Shield Stalwart Shield x1 4 Card icon for Surveilor Surveilor x1 4 Card icon for Sword of Judgement Sword of Judgement x1 4 Card icon for Temporal Adept Temporal Adept x1 4 Card icon for Vile Varmint Vile Varmint x1 4 Card icon for Warhorn Warhorn x1 4 Card icon for Yeti Traditionalist Yeti Traditionalist x1 5 Card icon for Amaran Archaeologist Amaran Archaeologist x1 5 Card icon for Gleaming Shield Gleaming Shield x1 5 Card icon for Greenstretch Empath Greenstretch Empath x1 5 Card icon for Gun Down Gun Down x1 5 Card icon for Keen Saddleback Keen Saddleback x1 5 Card icon for Kosul Beastmaster Kosul Beastmaster x1 5 Card icon for Living Mountain Living Mountain x1 5 Card icon for Marsh Dragon Marsh Dragon x3 5 Card icon for Skywalk Instructor Skywalk Instructor x1 5 Card icon for Smuggler's Stash Smuggler's Stash x1 5 Card icon for Withstand Withstand x1 6 Card icon for Champion Grappler Champion Grappler x1 6 Card icon for Den of Ordeals Den of Ordeals x1 6 Card icon for Highwind Glider Highwind Glider x1 6 Card icon for Iceknuckle Jotun Iceknuckle Jotun x1 6 Card icon for Majestic Mandrake Majestic Mandrake x2 6 Card icon for Unseen Ghostblade Unseen Ghostblade x1 7 Card icon for Kodosh Sees All Kodosh Sees All x1 7 Card icon for Siraf's Choice Siraf's Choice x1 7 Card icon for Skyfire Hellkite Skyfire Hellkite x1 7 Card icon for Skyhorror Draconus Skyhorror Draconus x1 7 Card icon for Stonesmelt Dragon Stonesmelt Dragon x1 8 Card icon for Improvised Club Improvised Club x1 8 Card icon for Rosebloom Mandrake Rosebloom Mandrake x1 Card icon for Amethyst Coin Amethyst Coin x1 Card icon for Ancient Manual Ancient Manual x2 Card icon for Elysian Insignia Elysian Insignia x1 Card icon for Emblem of Linrei Emblem of Linrei x1 Card icon for Emblem of Shavka Emblem of Shavka x1 Card icon for Sacred Seal Sacred Seal x1 Card icon for Skycrag Insignia Skycrag Insignia x1


Cost Curve



Event Information

League - Chapter 37: Promises by Firelight
December 1-31, 2019
Hoo hoo hoo…what have we here?


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 2 2 2

Power Sources
2 1 3 1 2 3

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
112 42 13 1

Card Types
85 19 55 1 8


December 26, 2019


Eternal Version
Promises by Firelight

BBCode For Comments

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