So, decided to throw this deck together to test out if Dasha (Darya) would be any good. Turns out, yep, she's about as good as advertised, if not better. Plan is freaking simple--curve out, ramp up, stomp by playing bigger things faster than your opponent can deal with them. Pretty easy and straightforward mono-time with torch and heart style Praxis midrange. Most likely not exactly tuned, might not be tier 1 because highwayman loves ramp dorks, but just wanted to give Dasha a try. She's great, and better yet if you draw her off of heart since it means more amplifying. Craft her, play her, don't be sorry. Berserk, deadly fatties are gross, and even gross-er if they're giant berserk champions of chaos.
Beyond that, I can easily see a fire market being justified as well, just that I wanted to go a bit harder on ramp to get to that top end.
Anyhow, enjoy, and get your Dashas, stat!