Used this deck to crack into Masters for the first time this month. I think Market probably still needs some work and definitely a few decks that will smash this if you don't get warcry rolling and beat them early. My goal with the deck was making something that was low in shard cost (as I'm still working on a number of legend staple sets), something that could beat out a control/combo before it gets rolling, and something that played relatively consistently. Vara has been a bit of a problem at times, as has Sandstorm Titan. For both, best bet is to hold back a combat trick or torch and attack in with one of the quickdraw units, then either torch em or pump your unit.
Ideally, you are playing 1-2 new threats a turn, creating larger units with your early Warcry. For finishers, you have a few choices in deck and in sideboard.
Any suggestions/comments appreciated.
Most recent edit was:
+2 Reinvigorate (to help work around Permafrost and as another combat trick)
-1 Whirling Duo (may swap this back in and pull a Commando or Battlemage)
-1 Hammer of Might