The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Hey man, at least in Eternal you get tonnes of free packs (daily 1st win pack, shitloads of gold from gauntlet, cheap draft entry = 4 packs of chosen cards), compared to the ultra stingy and gotta-spend-cash alternatives (like Hearthstone and Elder Scrolls)
But yeah I remember when i had a small collection being intimidated.
I still dont have everything here (need 2 more behemoths, 3 more alheds, etc) but it gets better, especially since this deck is absurdly full of legs compared to most decks.
Also, some of the top ranked around are dirt cheap, especially mono fire decks.
But yeah I remember when i had a small collection being intimidated.
I still dont have everything here (need 2 more behemoths, 3 more alheds, etc) but it gets better, especially since this deck is absurdly full of legs compared to most decks.
Also, some of the top ranked around are dirt cheap, especially mono fire decks.