Mulligan for Slumbering Stone or at least Blind Storyteller. Sacrifice them to devour to deny enemy attacks, reanimate with Shadowlands Guide. Use removal sparingly, you don't have very much of it!
Once you get enough power, your greed can take over and you will draw a lot of cards through Wisdom, Prowler, etc. Keep reanimating Slumbering Stone, denying attacks, build a board of 5/5 Prowlers. Dark Return for more value from Guide or Prowler as needed. Once your board is sufficiently strong (make sure you keep some Slumbering Stones as 0/2 in case of Harsh Rules), you will play Nightmaw or Snowcrush Animist and hopefully destroy your opponent. Endgame, you will continue dark returning big cards and you will use Blind Storyteller to discard extra power to find more gas.