This is the deck I took to the recent ECQ and with wich I reached the top 64 (17:11), where I lost in the first round to Watchwolf. I also reached top 20 on expedition ladder with it. The deck is mostly played around Rolant, who is great at countering the popular token and aggro decks. Backbreaker and Keelo are the other really important cards. Keelo helps with generating value over long time if you can protect it or she can just search you Rolant to snowball from there. Backbreaker helps with bigger units, but also tokens and it can apply preasure on empty boards.
Your optimal starting hand includes at least 3 power (including Chants or Petitions, optimally focused on justice) and a Merchant. Small removal (Suffocate, Blightmoth) or just a 2 drop can be great too (sometimes also Rolant, depending on your powerbase). The first 2 to 3 turns are usually just power/influence fixing and playing small removal if needed. Optimally you can play a Merchant to grab Keelo on turn 3, but 4 is usually enough. Then you usually try to setup rolant, optimally with Bubble Shield in hand and snowball the game from there with the card advantage from Keelo and the valks from Rolant. The alternativ plans are Backbreaker beatdown, Restrained Action or Damara stealing a wincondition (and against aggro you sometimes just win with some removal and solid units).
Good luck and have fun!
I didn't make any major changes, but I do prefer Just Desserts to Annihilate because you can do some really nasty stuff with Rolant, but that could be overkill. Also, I did add one copy of Makkar's Stranger because it just seemed like a more relevant pull with Keelo a lot of the time. But I can't really argue with any of the choices, and the market is amazing. Good job!