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Masters with Feln Control

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Feln Oddities:
Cull the Deck
Fantastic addition to feln control, easy 4. This card plus so many scout and now Merchants mean you can have a much wider toolset and can really tailor your draws to the opponent you're facing. Can easily see this being in any shadow deck.

Thief's Pick
A card that seems a bit strange, testing it for now but it synergises very well with Jotun Feast Caller. One of the latest additions in the push to masters and definitely up for change. Giving unblockable is kinda a rare effect so it's nice to have, to break stalemates and draw out games. A quick Pilfer addition is like a free half feln bloodcaster, too.

Feln has much trouble dealing with relic weapons. During the early release of the new set I ran into a lot of trouble with these strong time decks, this card was a temporary addition but i find it very useful to have and I do not mind keeping it in the deck at all. With the amount of exchange you can do with merchants and strategize it's a nice card that puts in work when you need it yet you don't have too much issue swapping it out if it's not needed.

Jennev Merchant
Just stuff feln control with all the goddamn aegis you can get and this card is just icing on the cake for that. Decent stat block to stall the board while being a pain to get rid of and being a nice little aegis peon to be buffed by ChaCu. Fits in great as a 3 drop you can hit on turn 3 or 4 if you want to fix up your 5-primal. Absolutely lifesaving in lategame, love the new Merchant mechanic.

Jotun Feast-Caller
While not so much an oddity it's not a staple for feln but I added it in during the last push to masters and it's doing well. Besides the insane card text it's just yet another aegis asshole that is a pain to deal with. Works really nicely to fatigue the opponent's card count alongside ChaCu and Jennev Merchant, then you can drop the Thief's Pick to ensure value, keeping at least 3 mana free on turn 6.

End of Hostilities
A questionable add. Not sure if it's going to stay but it has won me a few games in allowing an extra push or pulling me back from the brink. Warp is a nice little touch that doesn't come up much but being able to copy opponents monsters gives you a lot of options. Usually when it does come up you would copy ChaCu or Black-Sky Harbinger to delay or push through.

Clan Standard
2 of, just an easy better lightning strike without giving up a slot in the 50.

Gotta be in there. It costs 1 mana and is just always gonna be there if you need it. Basically means you have six copies of this in your deck, if you need it and you have a Merchant, chances are you can play it the same turn.

Eilyn's Favor
Probably something i'm really not sure about as it seems right to have mana in the Market. It's nice to have aegis on call but chances are you won't be able to get the aegis if you really need it that turn. Might just need to be swapped for Crest or cut.

Sometimes you just need board clear. Yes you'll always kill your poor merchant but you need the option to get this out.

Champion of Cunning
Alright, it has to be in here because you can tell when you can drop it on turn 5 if your influence is coming up right so you have that nasty aegis right there. I can't stress how nice it is to have the OG feln game ender sitting waiting whenever you might need it. Also happens to dodge things like rain of frogs.

Celestial Omen
A late addition to the market but it feels right being there.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
22 15 12

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Deck Rarities
17 26 20 10

Card Types
15 7 33 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


July 8, 2018


Eternal Version
The Fall of Argenport

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