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FTJ Control

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 3

Power Sources
9 16 12 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
9 24 29 4 1

Card Types
24 5 26 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Trials of Grodov [Set1006]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]


May 18, 2020


Eternal Version
Shadow of the Spire

BBCode For Comments

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Talares Edited Eternal Version: 20.07.16
Thanks for the game today and our nice chat afterwards :-)

I think your creatures desperately need spell based evasion to for example fly over all those silenced enemy units. The Overwhelm of the 4 Aamri's Choice is not enough.
I changed the deck to include 3 copies of Fearless Crescendo and changed to a 3 cost market with:
- Pristine Light which might give you your alessi, smuggler and gerrit back
- Stand Together for an altogether 4 cost fast speed aegis
- Turn Back Time to get an invested alessi or Gerrit back from the void
- Touch of Force trying it out for explosive fast speed double damage for an attacker and something in your hand
with the last spot I'm currently trying out Rolant's Memorial

I ditched Rise to the Challenge, Shush and Deafening Word to include
- 3 copies of Equalize, I really like this control card and we normally have only few units in play.
- 2 copies of Touch of Purity to get much needed life steal and it is fast speed.

Due to the now higher green influence demand I changed the power base to the following:
4 Alessi, Combrei Archmage (Set4 #248)
3 Fearless Crescendo (Set8 #61)
4 Aamri's Choice (Set7 #173)
3 Desert Marshal (Set1 #332)
3 Edict of Kodosh (Set7 #68)
3 Purify (Set2 #176)
2 Touch of Purity (Set8 #68)
4 Display of Creation (Set8 #178)
3 Equalize (Set9 #89)
4 Gerrit, Throne Guardian (Set8 #326)
4 Pearl Abbey Smuggler (Set6 #231)
3 Purgedriver (Set8 #80)
4 Saber-Tooth Prideleader (Set1006 #7)
3 Hammer of Glory (Set8 #151)
3 Shen-Ra Speaks (Set7 #176)
2 Fire Sigil (Set1 #1)
3 Time Sigil (Set1 #63)
4 Justice Sigil (Set1 #126)
4 Rakano Cylix (Set9 #184)
4 Seat of Glory (Set0 #56)
4 Crest of Progress (Set4 #247)
4 Seat of Progress (Set0 #58)
1 Pristine Light (Set6 #111)
1 Rolant's Memorial (Set4 #123)
1 Stand Together (Set1 #334)
1 Touch of Force (Set8 #19)
1 Turn Back Time (Set8 #48)
LtLeon Eternal Version: 20.05.15
So how would the silence interaction work if you used it?
If you tried to silence an opponent with Gerrit, would it still go through?
APoorPerson Eternal Version: 20.05.15
no the silence doesn't go through but Gerrit gets buffed
PandaBroPound Eternal Version: 20.05.15
Came here from reddit!

This looks good. I kept trying to run gerrit with the tradition site and relics. Didn't ever quite make it function. This seems like it would run smoothly though!
APoorPerson Eternal Version: 20.05.15
As long as you pull the right power, it plays nicely! Im gonma craft more crests as I get SS but so far so good
PandaBroPound Eternal Version: 20.05.15
Crests and merchants were my top priority when I came back to this game.

Hammet of glory is such a nice touch for this deck.

I switched the market a little bit, but the main deck is working pretty well as-is. Keep posting!
APoorPerson Eternal Version: 20.05.15
Thank you! Hope you're enjoying the deck!