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Elysian Fatties Like to Draw Cards

Throne Deck By


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First attempt at deckbuilding in Eternal. Jotun Feast-Caller seems strong, but outside of showing up in the Tier 4 Spellcrag deck, he doesn't seem to be getting used anywhere besides an occasional 1 or 2 of. Everyone loves Sandstorm Titan. It's the iconic card of the game and the card everyone says to craft 4 of first. (I made 4 Vadius and 2 Soulfire Drake, but hey) So I decided to look at the color pair and noticed there were a lot of big creatures that were undercosted to go along with all of the card draw. So the ideas is simple. Drop some cheap fatties on the table, draw lots of cards, stay alive and eventually overwhelm them with card advantage and big guys.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3

Power Sources
17 18 12

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
27 22 9 8

Card Types
16 5 31 0 23


January 31, 2018

January 29, 2018


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) January 31, 2018



Nightelfpala Eternal Version: 1.27
Water of Life is a bad card, don't play it unless lifegain ties directly into your gameplan like playing a Lifeforce deck (and even then there are better options).
First Watch has a similar issue as it's card disadvantage (both players draw a card and you spent a card), and the problem with lifegain in general as a "primary effect" on cards is that it doesn't affect the board (as such doesn't slow down aggro and can't pressure the opponent) and usually doesn't help with your gameplan either (it's neither a fatty nor card advantage in this particular deck).

Cryptic Etchings might be okay in the right deck, but again - it's card disadvantage and while the card filtering effect is useful, by the time you've gained enough advantage with it to be worth a card you've probably spent 6+ mana on it and you've probably reached a state where you've effectively won. It could have a place in "relics matter" decks, but yours certainly isn't one and there are better options for that purpose.

Teleport is a tempo card (it creates a temporary advantage at the cost of being card disadvantage), which fits a better into aggressive decks than it does into slower, more grindier decks - and your deck is closer to control since you play Cryptic Etchings, Eye of Winter and Wisdom of the Elders for example.

Amaran Camel isn't a good card either, against decks that attack early it comes down too late (a 3-health blocker by turn 3 might prevent 2 damage each turn, but that's not much, and they can just Torch it since by that time they can afford the 1 mana and still play out whatever they wanted to play), and against slower decks it's just a chump blocker that might gain you some life, but a deck that's attacking with 4+ attack creatures doesn't care much about having to attack one more time.
SSquirrel Eternal Version: 1.27
Thank you for the feedback. Well reasoned, constructive criticism is always welcome. I made some changes based on your suggestions. Yes Envelop is now in there in place of Teleport, which is still a tempo thing, but I'm also looking at these cards as a way to get rid of attachments on units as well. Swing at me w/your guy w/Deepforged Plate on and I'll just bounce him to your hand and watch Plate go away. Hope you have Reforge handy. Not having the lifegain elements, which were basically just helping to try to outlast for the long game to set in, I added in more things like Flash Freeze and Polymorph, as well as Static Bolt, to slow down, minimize or remove enemies. Moondial is a bit of extra potential card draw as well. I'm still saving up shiftstone anyway, so not like I've spent stone on the legends yet, altho neither would be bad buys.

Thanks again!