This is a ladder deck; I haven't thought about tournament play at all.
Figured seeing as no-one else seemed to be winning a lot with this pairing, I might as well post my version.
Premise is that Navani and Tavrod implicitly support each other by being threats that need to be silenced or killed, taxing the opponent's removal. Also Auric Interrogator.
Normally 4x Vanquish is in instead of 4x Slay because they do roughly the same thing in a deck full of relic weapons (kill big things), except Slay is way harder to cast.
Also of consideration is 1-2 Hammer of Might to turn Tinker Apprentice or Auric Interrogator into better threats whilst being able to live the dream with Navani, but that's up to you. If so, cut a Stash and/or an Apprentice.
Powerbase is pretty solid. It's on the slower end, but if meta is real fast, cut quarry, replace seats of glory with a seat of vengeance and more justice/shadow sigils.